

Friday, October 25, 2019

Dire Climate Change Warning in Report for Pentagon: US Military Could Collapse in 20 Years; Lack of Water, Domestic Disasters, Disease, Mass Migrations as Threats to Operations — Yves Smith

Resource scarcity developing which will affect war-fighting as well as domestic economies.


  1. Ironic as 800 climate scientists have just written a letter urging governments to reduce climate alarmism and slow pace of change whilemconsidering economic costs as MMT and other alarmists exaggerated pace and risks associated change along with engineering costs to fix.

    1. It's the same old crowd of discredited deniers.

      Letter signed by “500 scientists” relies on inaccurate claims about climate science

    2. Yep, it's over 800 now. Same old science. Science over narrative. Won't be popular with the alarmist activism crowd.

  2. What happened to the 800-500=300? Sent off to Sparta?

    1. People are adding their names every day. We're hoping to be over 1,000 next week

    2. Most of them aren't even scientists. It is backed by Friends of Science which is funded by the fossil fuel corporations.

  3. Exactly, most "climate scientists" have no training in science or engineering. This is something that skeptics, or as you derisively call them, "deniers" have been saying forever. Yet now that MMTers and other extremists have taken the alarmism further than even the most extreme "climate scientists" it seems the alarmists are suddenly aware that mainstream climate science is mostly political and unscientific.

    1. Peter Hadfield has addressed all the claims of the deniers in all the videos I put out here. In all cases they twisted the science, left facts out, and sometimes even outright lied. Peter Hadfield also explained why they were deniers, not skeptics. It's all in the videos. They don't have any science, it's junk.

      Peter Hadfield emailed Lord Monkton and asked him for his sources. Lord Monkton gave him them. When he checked them out he found Monkton had interpreted them wrong. Peter Hadfield also got in touch with the scientist who made these reports, and they said Lord Monkton had got it entirely wrong.

      Lord Monkton says he will debate anyone live, so Peter Hadfield challenged him for a live debate. He for no reply. He then srarted writing to a media outlet that Lord Monkton writes on publicly asking for a live debate, but still no reply. Then the magazine stopped printing Peter Hadfield's letters.

      I debated with a denier on twitter. I asked him to find anything Peter Hadfield had got wrong and I said I would check it with him. I also said Lord Monkton would not debate with Peter Hadfield, but he didn't believe me. So I got in contact with Lord Monkton and asked him, but I got no reply.

      If lord Monkton is so right, why is he so scared to debate with Peter Hadfield? Because he's a con artist, that's why.

    2. I'm unfamiliar with Monkton or Hadfield. I'm not overly interested in the politics. I've mostly looked at the data and models and became alarmed that we were at a tipping point of pseudo science leading to irreversible political chaos based on misunderstanding.

  4. Yeah Ryan it’s like all these climate nutters, who have nothing to do with the design/construction/administration of our energy production and distribution systems, no relevant training in any of the skills necessary to work in that.. they majored in finger painting or wtf.. . we have over 7B people now, so years ago you could ask, how are we going to be able to provision over 7B people? So this is the system those people qualified have come up with where we have over-abundant energy production and distribution... on our way to 9b if these Art Degree “out of money!” morons would just gif out of the way...

    So then you have all these Art Degree climate nutters who I wouldn’t even trust to check the oil in my car... these people come up and say “hey! You’ve got it all wrong you’re gonna kill us all in 11 years.!”


    Where is their downside if they are wrong? Nonexistent...

  5. Their downside if they are wrong is Southwest Air flies one-way for $39 instead of current $59 ????

  6. Climate nutters 11 years from now: “ we’re fucked we can fly to the west coast for only $79!!!”

  7. “ most "climate scientists" have no training in science or engineering“

    Let’s see if Ryan can scientifically back that clame.

  8. Matt’s Art degree envy comes across again and and again and again....

  9. S400: Look at the IPCC authors and their qualifications/CVs for starters.

    Animal Physiologists and Ecologists and Artists, Marxist Economists... on and on. No one of any competency for the topic. And these are considered the "Authoritative" authors on the topic. It's very alarming. It's what you might call a crisis in climate "science"

  10. No, you did the claim Ryan. You back your claim up. Asking me to wade through your links is a a no go.

    “most "climate scientists"” is what YOU said.
    Now back it up or shut the fuck up.
