I used to like Bill Maher too once because he was a liberal and was extremely funny, but when he started bashing Muslims I went off him. I'm no Islam fan either, in fact I hate the religion, but I believe most Muslims are decent people just because it's human nature to be. Every religion has its fanatics and so does Christianity. What Bill Maher seems to miss is that the West created militant jihadist Islam which has ruined Muslim societies and made life hell for Muslim women. We nearly succeeded in doing the same in Syria.
Paul Jay say's the liberals hate Donald Trump so much that they are making a terrible mistake when they attack him over Russiagate. Kevin Vincent.
I haven't listened to or watched anything Moore has done since Obumer was elected president. The thing about Moore is that he is a hypocrite, what was wrong under Bush was suddenly right under O. Not much is different with Maher.