

Monday, November 18, 2019

Eric Baldwin - Luxembourg Becomes First Country to Make All Public Transit Free

Luxembourg is set to become the world's first country to make all of its public transportation free. The newly re-elected prime minister Xavier Bettel and the coalition government have announced that they will lift all fares on trains, trams and buses next summer. Taking aim at long commutes and the country’s carbon footprint, the new move hopes to alleviate some of the worst traffic congestion in the world.

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Eric Baldwin - Luxembourg Becomes First Country to Make All Public Transit Free


  1. In US we can’t find people to drive the trains

  2. Pay their training and you’ll will have drivers.

  3. It isn't just Rail and buses Matt, trucking also has the same problem (lots of delays getting containers in/out of ports over there).

    Thing is it's not just the US its happening all over and the main cause seems to be automation ... not that it will be automated soon but due the hype why invest in getting licences when you think driving jobs are going to go.
