

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Study confirms vitamin D protects against colds and flu

Daily or weekly dose had greatest benefit for those with significant deficiency

A new global collaborative study has confirmed that vitamin D supplementation can help protect against acute respiratory infections. The study, a participant data meta-analysis of 25 randomized controlled trials including more than 11,000 participants, has been published online in The BMJ.

The Harvard Gazette 


  1. This is actually old news. Relationship between vit D and immune system proper function has been known for years. Yes, the details of how this works and the limits of what to expect from large doses are still being explored/understood but this isn’t a game changer. Vit D isnt a miracle cure. That doesn’t exist

  2. I've reported on this before, but the British government recently funded research into this and the scientists found no benefit of vitamin D for covid.

  3. “ Vit D isnt a miracle cure. That doesn’t exist”

    That’s what they want though...

    You can never exercise, eat fast food all the time, smoke tobacco, smoke dope, vape, be fat, do drugs...

    THEN, you just get the magic vax and everything is aok...

  4. Art Degree Fauci finally muzzled:

  5. "benefit...for those with significant deficiency."

    No freakin' kidding!

    Btw, are there any health complications for those with protein deficiency, significant or otherwise?

    What about any health complications for those with, say, vitamin E deficiency?

    What about...

    And since I am here, I might as well update you guys on my cognitive condition :)


    So, did I pass?

  6. A Vax and a cure are two different things Matt. A vaccine CAN protect many people with all those poor lifestyle choices you described. You don’t need to be living right to get benefit from a vaccine. Thinking hyroxychloroquine or oleandrin will save you from Covid is magical thinking as is thinking you should take either as a cure.

    A vaccine will be a game changer.......... but it’s not miraculous, it is completely understood how and why it works. It has also NEVER been shown in a controlled study that either of the above compounds offer anything towards mitigation of Covid

  7. There's no RCT that a parachute works either - as the famous paper shows.

    HCQ has massive side effects and there is no material evidence that it works against Covid or anything else.

    Vitamin D has evidence that it reduces mortality particularly against respiratory diseases as long as your levels are above 75 nmol/L. It's cheap, and the worst that will happen, if you're sensible, is that you'll have a stronger skeleton.

  8. Explanation of HCQ for Malaria anyway:

  9. Greek, how much rent are you charging trump for living in your head?

  10. Neil
    All respiratory diseases are highly mediated via the immune system. One reason why steroids have a palliative effect in virtually all respiratory ailments. The tracheo/bronchial tree lining is a first defense system for our bodies. 75nmol/liter? Ok if you say so. Never seen that particular number in any of my texts but I agree that taking it should be encouraged

  11. Whatever rent he is charging we know Trump will stiff him and we know it’s minuscule compared to the rent Art degree morons owe to you

    And Neil
    Yes, some things can’t be studied by RCTs (and don’t need to be like Parachute use) others theoretically could but ethically it is very difficult/questionable and others are difficult and require a bit of creativity to get an answer, where science sometimes requires art.

  12. But my first point remains. Vit D is no miracle we know exactly how and why it helps. It is also not enough on its own but maybe more helpful than previously appreciated



  14. So idiots are eating McDonald’s all day so we have to destroy 32.9% of US economy?

  15. "Greek, how much rent are you charging trump for living in your head?"

    He's not. There are currently no vacancies available -- Melania took the last one... and she met all rental requirements ;)

  16. It's Biden who gets to live rent free in people's minds, thanks to Orange Man.
