



Friday, November 8, 2024

Trump v Fed ?


This guy a MAGA Trump insider perhaps in line for AG (probably too much to hope he gets it 🙏🏻) but it’s revealing that he mentions the bankruptcy first…

Biden 2022 rate increases were unprecedented… so you can see what they did they put the rates way up to squeeze him, then they get commie kangaroos in NYC to impose half a billion dollars civil judgement in attempt to to bankrupt him…  flushing the US CRE market down the toilet bowl in the process causing mini banking crisis in March 2023 … hoping Trump somehow got caught up in the whirlpool…

So his first mission (he will never say that it is) will be to reverse all this ..  which would start with quick reversal of Biden rate rate increases to benefit his position and a lot of others like him who also have been being squeezed… which means policy rate down at least to 2% pronto.. will cover it politically by saying he’s getting mortgage rates down for young households which will be an added political benefit…

Going to be interesting to see if the Fed commie deep state Monetarists are going to be the first to fight him on this part of his agenda..,


  1. You expecting the 10 yr bond to fall then? Cuz so far 75basis cut has done nothing but make it rise and the mortgage rate too.

  2. Could have been a hedge on her winning? Bonds made a small bottom since he won…

  3. He has said he wants US 30 tr mortgage rates back at 3% where it was when he left .. which prolly means- 2% overnight rate…

  4. What about this fucker, Powell, arrogantly saying he would not resign if Trump asked him to?

  5. STHS
    The 10-year yield exactly reflects Fed policy going forward. In fact, the yield is slightliy lower than where it actually coiuld reside based on expecations for future rate cuts. No big deal. It got too low based on aggressive rate cut expectations and has just corrected that excess.
