

Monday, August 20, 2012

RM Mitchell makes SauerKrauthammer

Krauthammer sneers at you ignorant peasants

Speaks for itself.

Translation: "We don’t want the government telling us what to do and not to do . . . er, ah, except for abortion, which kills babies. There, we want the government telling you what not to do.  (But do carry guns -- big guns -- which kill everyone.)

"Oh, and except for gay marriage. We definitely want the government telling you not to do that. And of course, we want the government to cut your Social Security, Medicaid, and virtually every federal initiative that benefits you of the 99%, because you should be self sufficient -- except if you are rich and want the government to pay your business costs.

"And as for 'compassionate conservatism,' compassion is for sissies, not for real Americans."

And it gets better. Classic RMM.

1 comment:

  1. From RMM:

    "Although what Krauthammer preaches is . . . no other word for it . . . stupid, he himself is not stupid.
    No, he’s a smart, bought-and-paid-for prostitute, who apparently has become so rich and so successful duping the innocent, "

    Agree with the stupid part...

    But let's focus on this: "he himself is not stupid";

    EVIDENCE PLEASE??? Where has he ever exhibited knowledge about monetary systems? I believe he is an M.D. (interestingly similar to Ron Paul and Rand Paul).

    And this: "duping the innocent";

    HE... IS... A... DUPE..., he is not 'duping' anybody imo.

