

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tiberius Brastaviceanu — How to play the open game in the present and future economy

Games are also bounded by natural constraints. This is what I bet on!

Can we design a strategy that takes into consideration natural constraints to play the open game in the favor of those who contribute to open products?

The concept I propose can be summarized as such: The network designing, producing and distributing open products MUST create a COMPLEX value proposition that cannot be easily replicated outside of the network.

Open value networks are very well positioned to do exactly that. The complex value proposition is... complex, and has many dimensions.
How to play the open game in the present and future economy
Tiberius Brastaviceanu | Sensorica Open Value Network
(h/t Michel Bauwens | P2P Foundation)


  1. I'm afraid that building barriers to entry would only be a challenge to the community to rework the idea without the complexity. While this sounds nice, it's been tried and failed several times already.

    The true business model in the Open Game is to become usefully competent with some of the valuable Open Products and provide quality commercial technical support and integration services. There is a yawning gulf between having a raw technology in hand and having the skills to deploy it and keep it running over time.

  2. I fully agree with this statement: "There is a yawning gulf between having a raw technology in hand and having the skills to deploy it and keep it running over time."

    I don't see in what the article proposes to build barriers to entry...
