

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Firestone: It’s About “the Great Betrayal"

Ballsy piece by Joe over at NEP that cuts both ways.

...tea party Republicans are mean, evil, stupid, and crazy dudes and gals funded by Ayn Randian billionaires whose primary interest is to replace society with a state of nature in which life is nasty, brutish, and short for those of us who don’t have private armies.
It’s still true that they do not bear the sole blame for this crisis, because it is simply not the case that there is nothing the Administration can do to both short circuit the crisis and defuse its impact. It has a number of options it can pursue to completely defuse the debt ceiling crisis and at least a few to create even more pressure on the Republicans to avoid a Government shutdown.
Joe puts the lie to the there is no alternative to the "we're out of money" falsehood which simply has to  go...

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