

Monday, September 23, 2013

Neighborhood Watch Programs Needed Everywhere, To Protect Citizens And Whole Communities From Rampant WhiteCollar Crime.

Commentary by Roger Erickson

What'd Teddy Roosevelt warn us about, 100 years ago?

"A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad."

Yet here we are, 100 years on, still not listening. It's amazing that we regulate so much of our little, BlueCollar issues so well, and so thoroughly ...while refusing to regulate so much of the WhiteCollar activities which have far greater net impact on the general welfare of our people.

Here's just one of endless, random examples:

"DPNR officials called for a halt to the practice" of collecting used cooking oil from restaurants ... ? Oh my God!!! Stop them, quick, before they cause the unemployment rate to spike and the housing industry to collapse!

Meanwhile, we're arguing over whether to halt or even accurately assess the activities of banksters who just cost us ~$29Trillion dollars of OUR "diverted" investment! Not to mention that they DID collapse the entire, national housing industry.  Just a local issue? Nothing left to see? Move along?  Are you @#$%^&! kidding me?

Was this electorate born in a barn? Or is that just where they've ended up, through no fault of their own?

Let's see, for the people who "don't go to graduate school," we have DNR, FDA, CDC, EPA, building codes, parks & planning, zoning boards, etc, etc, etc - aka, BlueCollar regulation out the wahoo. We're adequately awash in local/state/federal agencies for regulating what Jane & Joe Sixpack do in their own communities.

So is there analogous WhiteCollar regulation out the wahoo? Far from it! And yes, deregulating WhiteCollar crime WAS a big deal. Those stealing a loaf of bread, or a song, are still regulated. Those stealing whole industries are NOT. Just another example of disparity in citizen rights. Some of us really are far more free than others, and it is NOT the Middle Class that's the equal beneficiary of Constitutional freedoms.

Simultaneously to us being highly regulated, too few are watching - too lazily - the far bigger activities of the merchant raiders pillaging any & all communities at will. For the unwashed, over educated elite, it's still easy to steal and privately own the whole damn railroad, national infrastructure, entire Congress, POTUS, or even the complete, national currency system!!!

What? There's already too little regulation of WhiteCollar activity excesses... by the SEC, Fed, DOJ, FBI, state/county/local-police, etc, etc - and even continued calls from the crooks themselves for EVEN LESS REGULATION? Ya think? So why is that?

Do we need some rebalancing? How about neighborhood watches everywhere, to protect citizens and whole communities from the rampant WhiteCollar crime, not just the petty BlueCollar crime.

Hey Jane and Joe. When is enough enough?

Isn't it time for a higher incidence of citizens arrests, of elite, White Collar, criminal Control Frauds, masquerading as Public Servants, Federal Agency Heads, Treasury Secretaries, Congresspeople and even WhiteHouse residents? Stop voting them in, and start indicting more of them instead. Tomorrow would be a good time to start.

1 comment:

  1. Wall St, naturally, sees it differently.

    The Wall Street Journal Pines for the Return of Liar's Loans

    "The Dodd-Frank Act bans .. liar’s loans. The WSJ considers this ban so appalling, so obvious a violation of the divine right of banks, that it labels it “micromanage[ment]” and assumes that the label proves the absurdity of banning liar’s loans."
