

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Stormy — Balkanization of the Internet: Brazil’s Response to the NSA

The beginning of the end of the global open Internet? Looks like it may be coming maybe faster than anyone expects as large countries develop their own closed systems with tightly controlled external portals in order to avoid espionage. If it happens, will this be tagged as "the Snowden effect" or "the NSA effect"?

Actually, I was thinking for some time before all this blew up that it was only a matter of time before there would be a Chinese Internet and a Russian Internet. No way that major rivals will let one dominate the structure of global communications media anymore than vital resources like petroleum. But I think this may be the catalyst that does it. 

It would likely slow down globalization, which could be a good thing. The pace of change may be getting to fast to adapt to, given current national and regional cultures and institutions.

Angry Bear
Balkanization of the Internet: Brazil’s Response to the NSA

1 comment:

  1. We need a Global Social Internet - one that neither governments nor corporations run, but that is entirely publicly controlled, and that governments can't hack or block.
