

Monday, September 23, 2013

"thirteen firms, which collectively have 161 directors on their boards" Owns Most of the World

Commentary by Roger Erickson

Another great essay by Bill Mitchell, of Australia. This is really worth having EVERY SINGLE CITIZEN in the US read.

161 individuals and their lackeys are the target

Please send this to everyone you know!

There may be far too much text for many WalMart shoppers, but nevertheless, please urge them to just jump to the VERY useful graphs.

Then ask them: "How do we get the US Middle Class to take back THEIR country?"

This situation is NOT what your parents and grandparents fought WWII to achieve. It's the opposite!

Ask everyone you know to at least read Bills paragraph about the "thirteen firms, which collectively have 161 directors on their boards … [and] … this group of 161 individuals represents the financial core of the world’s transnational capitalist class"

Didn't our "leaders" tell the Japanese to break up their local keiretsus, back ~1990?

Was it ONLY because our crooks wanted all the ownership for their OWN keiretsus?

Even if our present situation developed only by default, through the misguided actions of Innocent Frauds, such a situation presents opportunities which Active Frauds will NEVER be able to resist. We're growing a new royalty class with their own version of Divine Rights, enacted under the TARP Doctrine.

We have to start acting like owners, of Democracy, before another dark age of financial feudalism occurs.

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