

Monday, September 23, 2013

What If A Typical Journalist Was As Illogical As This Cretin? His Reading Audience Would Be A Very Weirdly Confused Public.

Commentary by Roger Erickson

According to Brad Plumer, The Heritage Foundation wants us to consider an analogy.  But first, Brad wants to clarify things.

What if a typical family spent like the federal government? It’d be a very weird family.

"Anyway, it's a good analogy. The U.S. federal government really does resemble your typical money-printing family that owns lots of tanks, operates a giant insurance conglomerate, can borrow money at extremely low rates, and is assumed to be immortal."


Weepin Buddha on a Decline!  NO. It is NOT a good analogy!

Heritage Foundation? Is that YOUR culture & heritage?

If my family was restricted to that level of thinking? Then I might consider emigrating, as a last resort. Or at least wearing a bag over my head. :(

Flying Sphagetti Monster Forbid! Is this journalist mocking Americans? First, he leads with a catch phrase, "Heritage Foundation," then, second, he slips in a confusingly disarming message that if a nation possesses their own fiat currency, that "makes it very unlikely that they'd ever default." And then, thirdly, he reverts completely to the stock idiocy of Deficit Terrorism. "But much of the rest they borrow from their kids with a promise to repay."

?? What the bleepin' @#$%^&!?

The logic doesn't even add up.  Is he hoping that most people will be subtly, 2/3 or 3/4 suckered into wanting to agree with the neo-idiocy? Does Brad secretly work for the Heritage Foundation? Is he laughing with them now, over Scotch, about his half-baked, faux-rebuttal? This particular story is like a paid drug pusher, getting people hooked on the half-lies, before making them addicted to the hard propaganda stuff. The article sounds more like he's just cluelessly trying to be a bootlicker to 2 opposing advertisers simultaneously. Rather than borrowing, he's lending illogic to everyone's kids, through clever, journalistic Faux Logical Liars Loans. The proof is displayed in the comments following Brad's article.

Dear Brad Plumer, why not just take out a dagger and stab the Middle Class, and your entire nation in the back? You're officially part of the problem, sniveling as you try to look like "just a messenger." Anything to sell a byline? ANYTHING? Really? If we send you 30 pieces of silver, will you take the asset and just go slinking back to the Faux Heritage Foundation?

ps: If you really want to pay back some kids, try retracting some of the illogic you've spewed.


  1. "If we send you 30 pieces of silver"


    You would have to weigh them first:

    "15 Now they weigh for him thirty pieces of silver." Mat 26:15

    Not count them... ie static assets not dynamic assets will do for these morons...

    ;) rsp,

  2. "The logic doesn't even add up. "

    Right this is the point I keep trying to make... they are all f-ing stupid imo.

    They cannot see even the easiest logical contradictions like this guy here.

    One second he is saying we cant default and the next he has us borrowing from our grandchildren for crying out loud...

    I'm telling you guys they are as dumb as tree stumps...

