Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Everyone's Racing To Do Stuff ... While They Don't Have A Clue What The Eventual Consequences Will Be.

Commentary by Roger Erickson

These comics really drive home how stupid most of our local business momentum is. As always, pictures are worth a thousand words.

Everyone's racing to do stuff while they don't have a clue what the eventual consequences will be? Ya think? The only question seems to be "How much faster can we go?" Damn the reality, send the commoners full-speed ahead!

That raises an interesting question. For every lemming stampede off a cliff, is there an evil genius lemming sitting back in their abandoned lairs, enjoying the lunches they left behind? "Who says I can't eat YOUR lunch and kill you too?"

We need less action, and more selection? You'd think that would be natural.

Anybody ever heard of "Preventive Economics?" Or is that an oxymoron?

Orthodox economics: Invented by the aristocracy, to use ON the commoners.

Heterodox economics: Invented by the commoners, to use adaptively.

Two schools of thought, always in opposition? Imagine what could happen if we just all aligned our efforts? And built, instead of subtracted? If Democracy is government by the people, what is the point of a divided government? One dedicated to wasting, rather than compounding net returns?

People will do anything in their power to avoid ingesting food for thought?
What's that say about humans?

That we'll chase every return except the highest return of all?

"We made insane progress and breakthroughs? That's not possible. We don't allow the highest return of all." Political Wit. :(


Brendon said...

Businessmen should know how to make the system easy to them despite the current struggles of the government: http://www.21stcenturynews.com.au/entrepreneurship-key-sme-growth/

Roger Erickson said...

seems backwards, Tune;

Why not "citizens should know how to make Democracy work easily for all, despite the distributed stupidity of overly-narrow business interests."

Ask not what you can make your country do for you.

Instead, ask what you can do to make a more perfect union, that makes things easier than anyone could possibly imagine, for everyone?