

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"Made in the USA"

Bernie tweeting the SAME THING Trump said in Dallas; only Trump included an enforcement mechanism.

Bernie seems to be thinking we are going to do this via making different free-will choices in the future.... good luck!


  1. After hearing the Trump-eting, about Mexican Oreos, I went and bought a package. They taste the same as the old Chicago ones, but you don't get that feeling that you are supporting the old corrupt political machine more the flavor of a good tequila and drug cartel.

  2. Trump has to explain how he will do all the things he says he will do. He is a Patrician, but does he have enough power to bend the Senate and change the Republic to an Empire?

    I don't think he is "the Saviour", but the next iteration of leadership will show how dysfunctional the Republic is, getting the populus ready to accept the coming tyrant (which I doubt will be either Trump or Sanders).

  3. I like Sanders but I am afraid Trump was right when he said Sanders was "weak" after he abruptly stopped his speech and walked off the stage when two "Black Lives Matter" chicks interrupted his rally recently.

    And as Matt points out, the "We won't buy your products unless made in America" threat is laughable. I can see boardrooms all across the country laughing uncontollably.

    Trump's got the charisma and force of character to effectively use the bully pulpit of the presidency to get things done, which includes getting Congress to act on his policies. At least that's what I think.

  4. Mike, unlike Trump, Sanders is actually trying to get black people to vote for him. There is no way to deal with that kind of setup other than to walk away from it. If Sanders had resorted to barking back at them, he would have been delivering up a made-to-order video clip to Team Hillary.

  5. Trump is getting Black support:

    Here is a hip-hop song using his image:

    Rae Sremmurd - Up Like Trump

  6. What exactly is this obsession with buying american made goods!

    Surely you want your goods to be produced by whoever is best at it? If that means buying from the Chinese then so be it...

  7. They want their 'good jobs' back. At this point waitress, crappy retail or 'sharing economy' (Uber driver) jobs are not cutting it apparently.

  8. If you are a woman, being a Suggar Baby can pay well apparently, you pay some old fat disgusting guy so he can use you sexually. Is a good compliment to a poor job if you are underemployed too. The problem is supply outweighs demand too.

    Not even legalized prostitution cuts it anymore...

  9. "And as Matt points out, the "We won't buy your products unless made in America" threat is laughable. I can see boardrooms all across the country laughing uncontrollably."

    It's amazingly popular idea amongst the left if *we all* just do X then things will change. Unfortunately *we all* is impossible - hence why there are gangsters.

    The problem with extreme individual and extreme groupism is that neither are right. Sometimes we're individualistic and sometimes we're collective. The system has to work with both attitudes manifesting.

  10. Well if you look at it this past year... the deficit is about equal to the trade deficit... each $500Bish...

    So when these two advocate for balanced trade and a balanced budget, at least what they are proposing is possible if domestic savings desires were cet par....

    If boomers are dis-saving right now then we could end up with a very low deficit... which is what I think is happening.... if we address trade like these 2 are advocating for, then we could have higher employment with very low deficits...
