

Thursday, September 17, 2015

TASS — SWIFT equivalent "practically" created inside Russia — Central Bank Chief

An equivalent of Belgian SWIFT has practically been created in Russia, Central Bank Chief Elvira Nabiullina said on Thursday.
"Work is on track," the Central Bank Chief said. "As far as financial messages transmission is concerned, we have practically set up a SWIFT counterpart in Russia," Nabiullina said. The system contemplates competitive tariffs and the regulator is ready to develop and improve this service, she added.
Several dozen banks are ready to use it, Nabiullina said. The head of the Central Bank said that the SWIFT equivalent is being developed with maximum use of Russian IT technologies. "Many complained our microelectronics is poorly developing and so on, but demand is needed to develop domestic production. We are generating such demand," Nabiullina said.…
SWIFT equivalent "practically" created inside Russia — Central Bank Chief


  1. Roads and highways are 'practically' created in US cities and states to support driverless vehicles. Local leaders are competing for the technology companies donations and are spending hundreds of millions to be early adopters and retrofit their roads as the technology companies compete to have the dominant patents and designs that will ultimately dominate ALL roads. It is probably the biggest real economic development we've had since the airplane or automobile itself.

    Once the road infrastructure is in place, 10s of millions of blue collar workers will be displaced in only a couple years while all the lost income will be channeled to Google, Apple, Facebook or the other Democrat-party-billionaires. Similar to when horses were eliminated, it is good for consumers, but for society as a whole, it will take an adjustment period. And the Democrat-mega-corps on the west coast have used the new patent and copyright systems by congress that would seem to allow them to extract enormous rents for longer periods from society for the inventions. And TPP is going to deliver world markets to them as the software and the vehicle become one and the same, the more restrictive rules that apply to ideas than real goods, will now be applied to these real goods because software is loaded on them and they can not operate without the software. Many of the highways don't work very well when there are human drivers so, before long, Human driving will become prohibited. And we are arguing over Swift and Treasury markets.

    The technology will be sold to the entire world and the model used by the government in the United States to regulate and adopt it will be a model for everywhere.

  2. Time for the US to move away from its two right wing party system.

  3. Time for the US to move away from its two right wing party system.
