

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Scott Wong — Paul Ryan: FBI playing politics with Clinton

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) took a swipe at the FBI on Tuesday, accusing agency officials of acting like “political operators” after they released an unflattering Hillary Clinton report right before the three-day holiday weekend.
“It’s like the most buried time you could put out stories. I’m surprised. I mean, I can’t believe they would do what is such a patently political move. It makes them look like political operators versus law enforcement officers,” Ryan said in a radio interview with WRJN in Wisconsin.
“The fact that they chose the Friday before Labor Day to put all this out there mystifies me as to why they thought that was a smart thing to do,” he added.I don't agree with Paul Ryan on much, but he is right on this.
Since SCOTUS threw the 2000 election to G. W. Bush, the US justice system has been steadily losing credibility. It's bipartisan. Not that were weren't serious issues before that.

The Hill
Ryan: FBI playing politics with Clinton
Scott Wong

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