

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

John Helmer — Fiona Hill to Take Over President Trump’s Russia Desk

This lady makes the neocons look tame. She thinks the US is already in a hot war with Russia. And Donald Trump is supposed to be a foreign policy realist? Really?

President Trump has either caved to the deep state, or is completely out of touch. It's difficult to say which.
This month, a few days before her NSC staff appointment was announced, Hill gave an interview to a New York periodical in which she declared war on Russia. “I think we are in a hot war with Russia, not a cold war. But we have to be careful about the analogy. It’s a more complex world. There is no set-piece confrontation. This is no holds barred. The Cold War was a more disciplined competition, aside from the near blowups in Berlin and Cuba, where we walked back from the brink. The Kremlin now is willing to jump over the abyss. They want to play for the asymmetry. They see themselves in a period of hot kinetic war. Also, this is not just two-way superpower. There is China, the rising powers. I almost see it as like the great power competition from the time before the Second World War.”
Dances with Bears
Fiona Hill to Take Over President Trump’s Russia DeskJohn Helmer 


  1. Donny Tinyhands continues to lose his mind and not know the f*ck he's doing, throwing over close allies like Michael Flynn for people who are completely antithetical to many of the things he promised.

  2. Well, at least she's not John Bolton.

  3. She could actually be worse than Bolton, if that is possible. The US is in a hot war with Russia now? Really?

  4. Maybe it has something to do with Putin taking off his shirt. JK ;)

  5. Yeah I'm gonna say this woman sounds crazier than Bolton. I fear the worst with this guy.

  6. Shouldn't have buzzed the destroyer in international waters.... cost them at least Crimea....

  7. Poor U$A, unable to defend itself from overt Russian aggression. They have military bases in dozens of countries right on our borders! Canada and Mexico are conducting Warsaw Pact war games with Russian troops. Plus Russia outspends us 10:1 on their military.

    @Matt- International waters? Fake news.

  8. Black Sea isn't one of the Great Lakes....

  9. All Putin has to do is call Trump, tell him he's sorry one of his AF generals got carried away, it won't happen again, AND.... most importantly .... that HE (Putin) owes HIM (Trump) one....

  10. What Putin should do is call European leaders, and try to talk some sense into them. Washington is a lost cause.
