

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Bill Mitchell — Video of Reclaiming the State presentation, Brighton, UK September 25, 2017

I am now in Helsinki where the weather is distinctly cooler (did I say colder) than it has been down in Southern Europe the past week. I don’t have much time for writing today. Tomorrow, we will be conducting a dual book launch (see for details) and on Thursday, I will be presenting a public lecture at the University of Helsinki which is open to all to attend. For today’s blog, I am now able to provide a full video (minus Q&A) of my presentation at the British Labour Party Annual Conference Fringe Event – Economics for a Progressive Agendaat Brighton (UK) on September 25, 2017....
Bill Mitchell – billy blog
Video of Reclaiming the State presentation, Brighton, UK September 25, 2017
Bill Mitchell | Professor in Economics and Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE), at University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia

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