

Sunday, October 1, 2017

"Sadiq Khan is so far up Corbyn's a***": Ken Livingstone and George Galloway give Googlebox critique of Labour conference

Both George Galloway criticised Jeremy Corbyn recently because he suspended Ken Livingstone over his alleged anti-Semitic remarks, but here they talk of Corbyn in glowing terms. It's a good video of Ken and George sitting at home having some tea and biscuits watching the Labour Party Conference on TV. 

I was concerned that maybe Corbyn was perhaps being 'vibrated into place' as as Richie Allen describes it where all politicians gaining power end up compromising too much with the ruling establishment, but that doesn't seem to be the case (yet).

Daily Mirror: Video

"Sadiq Khan is so far up Corbyn's a***": Ken Livingstone and George Galloway

From Carib Flame: 

Corbyn Criticizes UK Foreign Policy, Israel Oppression, Trump

British Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn has slammed London’s foreign policy, asserting that “terrorism is thriving in a world our governments have helped to shape.”
Military solutions to the threats of terrorism in Europe were another area of Corbyn’s speech.
“We have to do better and swap the knee-jerk response of another bombing campaign for long-term help to solve conflicts rather than fuel them,” Corbyn said.
Corbyn also hinted at the double standards of British foreign policy in the Middle East region, criticizing arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
Corbyn criticized Israel’s 50-year oppression of Palestinians and called for an end to the “oppression of the Palestinian people, the 50-year occupation and illegal settlement expansion.”
As a veteran peace activist, Corbyn has long been critical of London’s involvement in US-led wars across the world its support of Israel in its unending oppression against Palestinians.
Corbyn has stood up for Palestine and Palestinian rights and has been a strong advocate against Britain’s foreign wars in the Middle East.


  1. Galloway to Corbyn:"Don't walk in front of any buses or BMW's" - I think the heartburn is increasing among the Tories! Good advice anyway from Galloway.

  2. I wish America had a Corbyn.
