

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Yves Smith on the MMT conference

Yves recaps the recent MMT conference. Very positive. It is followed by Raúl Carrillo's recap, linked to previously here at MNE.
Yves here. This post is the write-up of one of the presentations at the first international MMT conference in Kansas City in September. Over 200 people, including your humble blogger, attended. We’ll be writing much more about this conference over the coming weeks as the conference organizers post videos and complete transcripts.
Jamie Galbraith gave one of the keynote speeches and he summed up the sense of the conference in saying that MMT had arrived as a political force. The conference had an impressive range of people, including young economists who had traveled some distance to attend, people with real jobs (one I met runs one of the three biggest harp manufacturers in the world and is active in local and state politics), and a union official.
The MMT thinkers are increasingly serving as part of a broader progressive effort, as the breadth of the panels at the conference shows.
What I found to be the most exciting and important initiative is the way the Modern Money Network, a law-school focused group, has grown. The MMN explicitly intends to counter the law and economics movement, which was a well-orchestrated campaign starting in the 1970s to make the legal system more business friendly....
Naked Capitalism
Hy Minsky, Low Finance: Modern Money, Civil Rights, and Consumer Debt
Yves Smith

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