

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Russia Watch

Petr Akopov reminds that Great Britain is Russia's old enemy and that Russians need to wake up to the reality that they are now under attack again.

The Vineyard of the Saker
Russia is fighting a lethal enemy
Petr Akopov for Vzgliad
Translated by Edvin Buday


Peter Koenig makes a similar point about the West.

Russia’s Reaction to the Insults of the West is Political Suicide
Peter Koenig

Do the Russians fail to see this? I doubt it. It's been obvious for a long time and set forth in Western geopolitical and geostrategic analysis.

See also

On the Skripal affair.


A Curious Incident Part II

See also

Une parole franche
U.S. Raises the White Flag…at last!
Gilbert Doctorow | European Coordinator of The American Committee for East West Accord Ltd.


Voltaire Net
Under a false flag, UK attempts three chemical attacks in the Ghouta


The Unz Review
Maps of Russian Electoral Fraud

Crimeans Send Their Regards
Anatoly Karlin


  1. I think Brits hatred for Russia is under reported on MNE. It's no mistake the Steele dossier was made by a Brit agent and inspired mass Russia hysteria in the US. The Brit media fanned the flames of Russia hysteria more than even US media early on. So long as Russia is a threat, the UK thinks it can influence US policy.

  2. Probably most of the oligarchs fled to the UK Ryan... probably hatred for Putin not necessarily “Russia” per se...

    Once Putin is gone all of this goes away...

  3. Dont worry little snowflakes Trump to the rescue again:
