A single tweet reportedly contains 144 fields of metadata, according to RT.
Something to remember when the intel agencies say that they are "just" collecting metadata and not reading text."That’s the mentality with metadata," the study’s lead co-author Beatrice Perez of University College London told Wired. "People think it’s not a big deal."
Zero Hedge
Researchers Unmask Anonymous Twitter Accounts With 97% Accuracy Using Machine Learning
Tyler Durden
Yet 1/2 my followers are bots and Twitter can't tell (gotta keep user counts rising). But they regularly purge all my far right friends yet almost no one from the left gets purged for appearing like a robot. They make people from the right provide driver's license and phone numbers to keep an account to prove it is not a robot. This is government policy not a technical issue or revolution in AI, ML or whatever is popular this week in SV