

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mark GB — The British Government is not fit for purpose – and this is why

'Government' in the UK...and a function of a corrupt relationship between politicians and vested interests from the corporate sector and foreign lobbyists. Mark GB highlights the depths of the systemic problem.
You won’t find accountability on an organisational chart; because it is a function of character: it’s not about how ‘smart’ you are, it cannot be ‘bought’, and you’ve either led a life that has nourished it…or you haven’t.
Clearly, this is not just a business thing – people from all walks of life will know exactly what I’m talking about…or they won’t. It’s the same if you’re an academic, a journalist, a craftsman, a manual worker, or if you’ve raised a family. It’s human:
If you believe that conducting yourself with integrity is MORE important than ‘winning’ or ‘getting away with it’…if you believe that ‘means justify ends’ rather than ‘ends justify means’…if you can be counted upon to be true to your word…if you will hold up your hands unprompted when you’ve screwed up…then you know exactly what I’m talking about.
I can say without any doubt in my mind that the British Government is bereft of this quality.
I can say with equal certainty that the leadership of many large corporations in this country, and around the world, are also a few sandwiches short of a joyful picnic in this department. I know this because I have worked closely with more than a few, and observed many others. The good ones are outnumbered....
Renegade, Inc.
The British Government is not fit for purpose – and this is why
Mark GB

1 comment:

  1. if you believe that ‘means justify ends’ rather than ‘ends justify means’…

    Isn't your support for Warren Mosler's banking proposals, corrupt as they are, based on the "ends justify means", Tom?
