

Thursday, July 2, 2020

US claim of 'Russian Bounty' plot in Afghanistan is dubious and dangerous

A very powerful Greyzone video.

This world is getting crazier. I was going to do a commentary on this, but I've decided to look for some tweets I did the other day which shows how crazy things have become, you know, like the way they managed to depict one of the gentlelest people in politics, Jeremy Corbyn, as an anti-Semitic, racist Nazi.

Multiple US outlets, citing anonymous intelligence officials, are claiming that Russia offered bounties to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan and that President Trump has taken no action. The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal breaks down the story's flaws and how it continues a Russiagate-era push of the Democratic Party to the right. 

"The constant flow of Russiagate disinformation into the bloodstream of the Democratic Party and its base is moving that party constantly to the right, while pushing the US deeper into this Cold War," Blumenthal says. 

Guest: Max Blumenthal, editor of The Grayzone and author of several books, including his latest "The Management of Savagery."


  1. This world is getting crazier. I was going to do a commentary on this, but I've decided to look for some tweets

    You're feeding the beast, Kaivey.

  2. Since even my 80-year-old mother knows (which means that there is no excuse for the US media not knowing) that Saudi Arabia funds the Taliban (et al), is not the Trump administration (and also previous US admins.) which supports SA bonesaw and all not, albeit indirectly, placing bounties on US troops in Afghanistan?

    Saying that "bountygate" is really not news whether it's true or not...
