

Thursday, July 2, 2020

US has been exposed for funding last year’s Hong Kong protests

The little-known but powerful US Agency for Global Media has financed protesters in the city and helped them with technical support

About US$2 million was earmarked for the protest movement in Hong Kong, but has now been frozen as part of a general overhaul and restructuring by a new agency boss. An ally of President Donald Trump, CEO Michael Pack didn’t specifically target the Hong Kong funding, which was apparently caught up in his management overhaul. The restructuring, though, has inadvertently exposed the US funding long denied by local protesters and pan-democrats.

According to Time magazine, the held-up funds were to have been distributed by the Washington-based Open Technology Fund (OTF), supposedly an independent non-profit, but financed by the US Congress. One cancelled project was to set up “a cybersecurity incident response team” to provide protesters with “secure communications apps” after analysing “Chinese surveillance techniques”.


  1. It would be nice to see the US broken up into 3 or 4 different countries and thus the world a far safer place :)

    United States of America (northeast)

    Confederate States of America (southeast)

    The Plain States of America (Midwest)


    Note that some states can have the option of asking Canada if they can join them -- thinking of states like Washington, Vermont, Maine...

  2. It would be nice to see Alberta booted out of Canada.

  3. Brake up the US and send in Russian economists. And don’t let the US attend the Olympics under the Stars and Stripes.
