

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Welcome to my channel - Richard Murphy - Looking for the new normal

Richard Murphy now has a YouTube channel. Impressive credentials! From the quality is his tweets and blog posts it should be good.

Welcome to my channel video where I am going to tell you about my channel is all about.

We will be covering the economy, Tax, The Green New Deal and Accountancy plus other topics that will come from your interaction with my channel.

I have been a chartered accountant and professor for over 40 years and frequently appear in national publications and newspapers.

You can find me on Twitter and always writing for my blog.


  1. The guy is a complete clown and very dangerous.

    An accountant not an economist.

    He'll get an independent Scotland trapped in the EU because
    of his love and complete mis understanding of the EU. I hate and despise the man in equal measure.

    He rarely ever uses the MMT lens on Europe. When he does he lies about it. He thinks he can change Europe by voting remain. In short an idiot.

    Creates breeding grounds for the liberal middle class with their art degrees. His fan base.

    Why GIMMS Gower initiative of modern money studies in London. Wouldn't
    touch him with a barge pole. He's a liability everything he does is for himself to promote Richard Murphy to satisfy his insatiable ego. A right selfish bastard that needs to be kept at arms length.

    Why I left MMT Scotland after spending £thousands setting it up. The cunt politicised it. Nuetered it so it couldn't hold the SNP to account because of his love of the EU.

  2. Foot, tell us how you really feel!


  3. He sounds like what he is

    A pimp that would pump his own granny....

  4. ”Creates breeding grounds for the liberal middle class with their art degrees. ”

    Sounds like a Matt fan and Matt can’t be happier.

  5. Oh so Matt couldn’t come up with that lame invective on his own.?. Creative minds in action.

  6. I’ve never had an original idea in my entire life...,

  7. “Creation” only involves division or combination/recombination of something that already exists....

  8. Think of your finger painting that you’ve been trained in...

    You combine the paint with the canvas and you create a finger painting...

  9. You combine some red paint and blue paint on your fingers and create purple paint...

    But before that the spectral red and blue pigments had to be divided from the white spectrum to create those component colors...

    You didn’t realize there was so much going on in finger painting classes did you?

  10. S, to be clear I’ve never claimed that I am smart I’m claiming that you are stupid..,,

  11. So you claim that you’ve not claimed that you’re smart. You got that right.

    A not smart Matt claims others to be stupid. Keep on claiming.
