

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Capitalists and Socialists of the World, Unite! — Harold James

Although it can be politically expedient to draw a thick line between capitalist decentralization and socialist central planning, the truth is that these two systems have converged on many occasions. Moreover, each was conceived for the same purpose, and elements of both could be realized in today's digital economy.
China has already figured this out and established one organizational model to do it. Moreover, it's a dynamic model rather than a static one, adapting to changing conditions.

In a sense, "capitalism" is slowly morphing (evolving?) into "socialism" to address the needs of individuals and the collective simultaneously through organizational (system) design and operations.

Project Syndicate
Capitalists and Socialists of the World, Unite!
Harold James | Professor of History and International Affairs at Princeton University and a senior fellow at the Center for International Governance Innovation

1 comment:

  1. Mixed economy, status quo, reactionary.

    Don't like it? People of the world, unite!
