

Friday, October 2, 2020

Donald Trump Mocks Joe Biden For Wearing A Mask


Here's Trump -- who just announced he and Melania are under quarantine for possible COVID infection -- mocking Joe Biden at Tuesday's debate for wearing a mask 


  1. Now if trump tweets he’s feeling good we’ll rally then if it’s reported he’s got a 99 fever it’ll sell off ... back and forth next 14 days...

  2. K, there is also the orange turd's interview last night on Hannity's show where the orange turd shamelessly tried to deflect from his reckless attitude to the pandemic by blaming those "losers and suckers' in the military for infecting Hope Hicks.

    Btw, not sure if it was not the reckless, orange turd himself who may have infected Hope Hicks. That, and now he has to find someone else willing to iron his XXL pants every morning. :)

  3. Given masks protect others from you, not the other way around, what are you trying to say here?

    1. They reduce viral load greatly increasing the chance of asymptomatic infection leading to inoculation.

  4. If he doesn’t get sick he’s just going to say “I’ve had worse colds...” and still feel vindication...

    I’m more worried about Melania she is an immigrant to US northeast ... and recently had a kidney thing... not good...

  5. How did Joe get close enough to sniff Trump's hair, and infect him with the virus?

  6. Biden now out saying he is negative...

  7. I am no Trump supporter, but the bias in reporting is obvious. Sophie Grégoire Trudeau got COVID-19 (after doing everything right), but there was no rejoicing among her husband's political opponents.

  8. Thanks to masks, Biden was inoculated. Now 'Covid Joe' is on a mission to wipe out the Republican Party, one swamp creature at a time.

  9. Given that national security is a big part of any nation's leaders job Trump has simply been childishly reckless in not taking all precautions he possibly could against the invisible enemy of Covid-19. Nobody with any commonsense would want to re-elect such a person!

  10. "They reduce viral load greatly increasing the chance of asymptomatic infection leading to inoculation."

    They don't inbound because obviously you are drawing air under pressure. And they don't outbound except in areas of high infection concentration where there is a lot of people creating aerosols.

    As any medic knows masks are there to protect the patient, not you.

    Plus of course in domestic and commercial settings people don't wear them right, take them off incorrectly and don't change them often enough. Simply taking it off and failing to fold it inwards and dispose immediately in a sharps bag will distribute what is on there as you pass air over it.

    Network effects dominate. We're not hamsters permanently living in cages.

    But it is interesting how the belief is repeated pavlovian style without thinking about the network effects. A bit like "government is like a household" or "taxes fund spending".

  11. People are sheep.

    Next social experiment: Tell the public that hopping around on one leg helps prevent infection by the virus.

  12. David Axelrod @davidaxelrod

    When the @POTUS wants to present a skewed picture of the virus and what it requires, he sends out Dr. Atlas, who has no background in public health or epidemiology, to parrot the party line.

    When the POTUS requires treatment, he seeks out experts who know what they’re doing.

  13. Maybe they’ll try out some of Trumps earlier suggestions for treatment on Trump himself. Two shots of chlorine in the morning and two before bedtime. Some spraying and inhaling of disinfection in between.

  14. As far as creeds go elevating "selfish and greed" as the human norm Trump appears to have been out-flanked by the Covid-19 virus. Clearly didn't bargain for that! Who in their right mind would want to vote to re-elect another government led by this moron Trump:-

  15. Neil

    Your line about protecting patient is true but in current scenario we are ALL patients. If we all wear masks when around each other, indoors mostly (I don’t on golf course), but even outdoors if possibly close quarters, then transmission is measurably slowed.

  16. Transmission is slowed when borders are closed. But the mandatory mask-wearing imbeciles in charge of our province, are too worried about the tourism industry to continue what is an effective measure.

  17. So how is it that border closures are effective? Is it because viruses respect borders or because if you stay away from infected people you won’t get infected? So how about when you have people in your borders already infected?

    Staying away works the same way masks do.... by lowering your exposure to virus. If people with the virus do everything they can to limit the amount of virus leaving their bodies (we know how it’s transported out of the body) we can limit transmission, but it takes everyone to reach peak effectiveness.

    The only reason we think it’s not effective is because too many people aren’t playing along but we are still slowing transmission with measures we’ve taken

  18. Atlantic Canada is an economic backwater. In times of pandemic, that's a good thing.
    We had zero cases for months, and the only case now is from someone who traveled abroad.
    On October 8th, border restrictions will be relaxed, and the result is predictable. The '2nd wave' from other provinces will arrive here. Masks will do nothing to stop it. If history repeats itself, 60-70 elderly people will die in nursing homes. And once again, these imbeciles in positions of "responsibility" won't be held accountable.

    We can help those affected by the collapse in tourism.
    We could take this opportunity to reorganize ourselves towards a local and regionally based economy, as a step towards degrowth to mitigate the destruction of the planet.

