

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Links — 3 Oct 2020

SCMP (much more than funding, also supplying technical equipment)
US has been exposed for funding last year’s Hong Kong protests

The Vineyard of the Saker (detailed backgrounder)
What’s at stake in the Armenia-Azerbaijan chessboard
The Saker

Moon of Alabama
Is The War Over Nagorno-Karabakh Already At A Stalemate?

RT (Levada is an independent polling company registered as a foreign agent in Russia)
Only 11% of Russians fully believe opposition figure Navalny was poisoned, just 8% blame government for August incident – survey
Jonny Tickle

Fort Russ News
Russia Ready to Supply S-400 to Iran
Drago Bosnic

Sputnik International
Kremlin: Russia Has Info Navalny Works With CIA, He Received Instructions More Than Once

Moscow Invites OPCW Experts to Russia to Work With Russian Pros on Navalny's Case - Foreign Ministry

Zero Hedge (The lady that had the CIA torture tapes destroyed.)
CIA Director Haspel Personally Blocking Declassification Of Russiagate Documents
Tyler Durden

Carrie Lam Says Hong Kong Nat'l Security Law 'Restored Stability', Slams Western 'Double Standards'

The Guardian (Uh, that's what the founding fathers set it up to do, along with the electoral college. They were republicans, not democrats, and they opposed direct democracy. Lincoln fibbed about that in the Gettysburg Address.)
The US supreme court may soon become plutocracy's greatest defender
David Sirota


  1. re The US supreme court may soon become plutocracy's greatest defender:

    Or it might wise up and realize that government privileges for private credit creation violate equal protection under the law.

    Also, someone please inform me how the MMT School shall not perpetuate unjust inequality seeing how it is for INCREASED* privileges for the banks?

    *e.g. unlimited deposit guarantees FOR FREE.
    *e.g. unlimited, unsecured fiat loans from the Central Bank FOR FREE.

  2. Nah, it's gonna do plutocracy's bidding.

  3. Israel is a special case per the Bible with a specified land grant with well-defined borders. Also, genocide was limited to the inhabitants of that land grant who refused to flee before the advancing Hebrews.

    You see, the land belongs to God; displease Him sufficiently and He may give it to someone else as He did to the Hebrews themselves (e.g. Babylonian Captivity, Dispersion in 70 AD, etc.)

    The US should be warned too - Right, Left, Moderates and Progressives.

    It's all in the Old Testament.

  4. Greek military secrets?

    Those were revealed after the military dictatorship in Greece was removed.

  5. When will the Sun run out of fuel?
    God: Not in your lifetime.

    When will there be peace between Armenia and Azerbaiiijan?
    God: Not in my lifetime.
