

Friday, October 2, 2020

LUDWIG WATZAL: The Navalny Poisoning Hoax. Who Are the Instigators?

 From the start, the alleged Navalny poisoning was riddled with contradictions and should have raised eyebrows by every politician and journalist.  Being discharged from the Charité Clinic in Berlin, Navalny went into attack mode against President Vladimir Putin. As it seems, this will be his role designed to him by the intelligence agencies. In a couple of days, the Navalny hype will be over. One can only blame Putin for the alleged poising once. If Navalny had the guts, he would return to his homeland and fight Putin politically.

LUDWIG WATZAL: The Navalny Poisoning Hoax. Who Are the Instigators?



    Yet you deranged douche bags are anti trump...

  2. How do we get you people to disappear?


    “ Trump is parroting the Kremlin line on the Navalny poisoning”

    If this wasn’t bad enough .. The thing that really gets me is that you guys get to breathe the same air as I do...

  4. “ During a White House press briefing on Friday, in response to a question about the poisoning of Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny, President Trump said the US had no proof yet about what had happened.”

    This and yet The real problem is you guys... to say that you people are lower than whale shit doesn’t cut it... I just don’t have the art degree training in the employment of figurative language to adequately describe you people in terms your feeble moron minds may be able to comprehend...... sorry...

  5. Who are the “you guys” your talking about? Or you making shit up again and ascribe it to others?

  6. I'm looking forward to Putin holding campaign rallies while Trump is out with the flu :)

    P.S. Matt has picked the lock to the liquor cabinet - again.

  7. "Yet you deranged douche bags are anti trump...

    Kaivey, there is a video of Gavin McInnes, the founder of the Proud Boys (you know, the group that the now infected orange turd refused to condemn in last week's debate) on youtube where he waxes poetically on the top 10 reasons of why he hates Jews (any Americans of Jewhish heritage here?) Would you consider posting it here? I'd like to see if any of the hardcore MAGA maggots here will try to defend that shit.

    "Who are the “you guys” your talking about? Or you making shit up again and ascribe it to others?"

    S400, Matt is our resident go-to "sceince" (that's right, "sceince", not "science") guy here ;)

    "I'm looking forward to Putin holding campaign rallies while Trump is out with the flu :)"

    Even better if it were a guy named "Rasputin."

    "P.S. Matt has picked the lock to the liquor cabinet - again."

    As long as he doesn't drink and drive, and he stays away from the bleach, it's no big deal ;)

  8. To quote the founder of the Proud Boys, Gavin McInnes -- Does anyone here have a "whiny fear of the Nazis"?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
