

Monday, October 12, 2020

Anne Gurley - More Happy Uyghurs in Xinjiang

 These could be propaganda videos but somehow I don't think they are because they are far too casual. I'm not sure who Anne Gurley is, but I think she might be a Uyghur model who makes lots of videos of herself, her family, and her community for her fans. 

Pompeo and CJ Werlerman say 8 million Uyghurs are in concentration camps or have gone missing, but there are only 12.3 million Uyghurs in Xinjiang, so all their communities would be stressed if that were true. There is no distress being shown in these videos. 

Out and about in the Uyghur community. 

A fun day out shopping in Xinjiang. 


  1. It's rude to use ethnic groups as props.

  2. The US has used terrorist groups for geopolitical purposes since Brzezinski sold Jimmy Carter on using Bin Laden's "freedom fighters" to oppose the Russian in Afghanistan. It's escalated from there, using terrorists to effect regime change in countries that won't sign on the neo-imperial US-led "rules-based order."This is CIA SOP.

    Amazing people still fall for the propaganda, which is all the more ironic since the US and UK as imperial and colonial powers have been major violators of human rights around the world for a long time.

    1. And, China was part of the Afghanistan war siding with the USA. China supplied Uighurs as holy warriors

  3. "The US has used terrorist groups for geopolitical purposes since Brzezinski sold Jimmy Carter on using Bin Laden's "freedom fighters" to oppose the Russian in Afghanistan"

    It's why I can't watch Morning Joe -- Brzezinski daughter, Mika, is a co-host and she never misses a chance to praise her father's work. Also, Joe's puffed up hair -- can't look at that :(
