

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

My new podcast episode is out.


  1. Trump has cure Mike (Regeneron antibodies):

    Art degree Fauci vaccine pharma industry shill who doesn’t understand time domain analysis who delivers too long vaccine development & test lead time that exceeds herd immunity schedule ( should have got a Science degree Tony....) no gonna likee....

    Chicomms gonna pay by Trump debiting their UST Account at the Fed and crediting TGA at the Fed.,,, no USD cost to US persons...


  2. Polls were not in agreement in 2016.

  3. Appoint him "Job Guarantee Czar". He'll jibber-jabber his way to full agreement.

  4. Regeneron Made using cell lines out of fetal tissue ......I wonder if Trump will thank god for those aborted fetuses!

  5. Hey greg glad you chimed in here riddle me this:

    Trump Dr publishes report that trump tested positive for COVID anti bodies like it’s this big deal...

    So they inject Regeneron cloned antibodies into trump, then they test trump for antibodies and they say “hey! Trump has antibodies!”


  6. This is like the Fed Saying “hey!... FRS requires 1.3T min of reserves!” ... then Fed (same fkng Fed) adjusts reserves below 1.3T .... then Fed (same fkng Fed) says “hey! we don’t have 1.3T of reserves!”...



    How are people like this incompetent being produced ?

    “Hey! Let’s inject antibodies into trump!”... “Hey! I wonder if trump now has antibodies!?!?”... “


    Same thing..,

  7. Trump gasping for air yesterday - literal or figurative?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "Regeneron Made using cell lines out of fetal tissue ......I wonder if Trump will thank god for those aborted fetuses!"

    The big question, Greg, is if the orange superspreader will thank the devil for the demon sperm donation:

    Trump backs doctor who believes in COVID-19 cure and ‘demon sperm’

  10. "Art degree Fauci vaccine pharma industry shill..."

    Matt, you're making an ass of yourself :(

    ... Fauci enrolled at the College of the Holy Cross, graduating in 1962 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in classics with a pre-med track. Fauci then attended medical school at Cornell University Medical College where he graduated FIRST in his class with a Doctor of Medicine in 1966

  11. "Regeneron Made using cell lines out of fetal tissue ..."

    Btw, that's the reasoning that antivaxxers use to oppose vaccines.

    Just in: The fly that was on Pence's head in last night's VP debate has tested positive for coronavirus. Also, no word yet if Jeff Goldblum has tested positive as well.


  12. Science-based medical lessons from President Trump’s case of COVID-19 (thus far)

    -- David Gorski on October 5, 2020

    (David Henry Gorski is an American surgical oncologist, professor of surgery at Wayne State ... Gorski attended the University of Michigan, where he received an MD in 1988.)

  13. @Matt

    That’s an interesting point but I think it’s mainly a matter of not distinguishing between general antibodies and specific antibodies. We all have antibodies floating in our bloodstreams but when you test for antibodies you are testing for a specific antibody to a specific antigen. Those specific antibodies are created from your generic antibodies. Regeneron facilitates that process

    So they are injecting with generic antibodies/antibody facilitators capable of becoming a specific antibody when faced with a particular antigen. A Covid antibody test can only detect antibodies to Covid. Of course most everyone with the disease will have some antibodies to the antigen but it is a numbers game. Are there enough to fight off the antigen,? So just because Trump has antibodies does not mean he is going to fully recover. He still might succumb to infection if the antigens are replicating faster than the antibodies can sequester them

    One thing that is always a threat when using steroids is suppression of antibody formation. Steroids make people feel better by suppressing the inflammation from the immune response.....but it suppresses the immune response. Long term steroids in moderate to high doses is undoubtedly harmful to people fighting an infection. It’s actually one of the worst things you can give to someone. That’s why some are questioning the use of Dexamethasone. If you give it when the infection isn’t serious you risk suppressing the ability to fight it. If it really was that serious and called for dexamethasone, why did you send him “home” 48;hrs later? Valid questions

  14. Greek the guy has been there 30 years and he still is imposing a vaccine development schedule that always exceeds time to “herd immunity “ development within a population...

    When is going to get the idea that he has to compress his development schedule to one that meaningfully precedes so called “herd immunity”?

    That’s what a competent person would do....

    This is what he is doing and has been doing and is going to continue to do he needs to retire:

    “Hey! I gotta be in Orlando tomorrow for a meeting how we gonna get there? Let’s drive it takes 2 days!”

    This is the Fauci MO.... never trained in time domain analysis...,

  15. I understood that Regeneron injects the cloned antibodies..,,

    “ Those specific antibodies are created from your generic antibodies. Regeneron facilitates that process”

    You sure?

    This is from Regeneron:

    “Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: REGN) today announced the latest progress in its efforts to discover and develop a novel multi-antibody cocktail that can be administered as prophylaxis before exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus or as treatment for those already infected. Regeneron scientists have now isolated hundreds of virus-neutralizing, fully human antibodies from the company's VelocImmune® mice, which have been genetically-modified to have a human immune system. Regeneron has also isolated antibodies from humans who have recovered from COVID-19, in order to maximize the pool of potentially potent antibodies. From this large pool of candidates, Regeneron will select the top two antibodies for a 'cocktail' treatment based on potency and binding ability to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, as well as other desirable qualities. Using a multi-antibody approach allows for targeting of different parts of the virus and may help protect against multiple viral variants. Regeneron previously used these technologies to rapidly develop a successful treatment for Ebola virus infection, which is currently under review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

    All coronaviruses have a single glycoprotein on the virus surface called the spike protein, which is the protein on the virus cell surface that binds to the host cell and is required for infectivity. Regeneron's SARS-CoV-2 antibodies will target the spike protein in order to block its interaction with the host cell, and thus neutralize the virus. “

    Sounds like they are cloning human Covid antibodies and injecting them directly....

    Sounds like they can beat dinosaur Fauci’s decrepit vaccine schedule,,,, Fauci no gonna likee...

  16. It is alleged that the 5 nucleide pairs that define the typical spike were extracted from another corona and spliced into another virus to create this covid 19 by chicomms as a bio weapon...

    It either got out or they released it as bioweapon.., either way we have to take all their USDs and any USD based assets we can get our hands on in compensation....

  17. “ As of 21st March 2020, largest variants in the SARS-CoV-2 genome as a whole show 99.9% nucleotide sequence match, which for a genome of 29,858 RNA bases, suggests approximately 30 base changes, ********and of the order of 5 in the spike glycoprotein gene ****** of 3821 nucleotides. ”

  18. “ Those bat coronaviruses were originally isolated and characterized between July 2015 and February 2017 under the supervision of the Third Military Medical University (Chongqing, China) and the Research Institute for Medicine of Nanjing Command (Nanjing, China).

    The article goes on to explain how the receptor binding motif (RBM), which defines the coronavirus’ ability to bind to the specific human angiotensin converting enzyme-2 receptor (ACE2) underwent genetic manipulation.

    That critical segment of the COVID-19 virus is bounded by two “restriction sites” not found in any related bat coronaviruses, which allow researchers to easily splice, that is, cut and paste components of other viruses into the viral backbone.

    The presence of those restriction sites is a known marker for genetic manipulation.

    Furthermore, the COVID-19 virus contains a furin polybasic cleavage site with an amino acid sequence of proline-arginine-arginine-alanine or PRRA that facilitates membrane fusion between the virus and the human cell and widely known for its ability to enhance pathogenicity and transmissibility.”

  19. “You sure?”

    As I understood it. I honestly did not dig as deep as you obviously have. I was going on my very basic understanding of immunology and antibody/ antigen mechanics

    So Regeneron (name of company not drug) creates these monoclonal antibodies to fight specific antigens and they use cells from previously infected people to create them. They create the specific antibody form someone previously infected allowing your body to bypass the step of creating antibodies. It sounds like they are doing this for specific pathogens. The drug they gave is specifically for COVID-19. I was under impression this was something that could be used in other conditions of novel infection.

    Question seems to be how long do these antibodies last? Does this drug regimen give you immunity and for how long seems to be the question.

    True immunity has to come from internal changes to your own immune system so it recognizes the antigen in future.

  20. “ So Regeneron (name of company not drug)”

    LOL noTrump said it ... “They gave me Regeneron! It’s called Regeneron!”....

    God I hope he wins again..,,

  21. Why would Fauci no like? He wants people to get better if they get it AND not get it in the first place. You have really gone down the rabbit hole of mindless Trump support to the point where anyone who goes against him about ANYTHING must be shouted down or discredited. That’s not the work of a scientific mind that’s for sure

    Trump doesn’t even want to test, wants to push any “cure” he has invested personally in and wants people to think that FDA, etc are simply against him and not about public safety.
    There are good scientific reasons for the phased manner of drug studies and many drugs pass through phase 1 or 2 but don’t hold up under phase 3. Bypassing all that is NOT in our interest. It’s not science

    Skipping any of those steps ( REGN-COV2 is in phase 3 now) is stupid and definitely not science.

    I fucking hope Regenerons product works, but it does t work because Trump says it makes him feel great, that’s just ignorance, pure and simple

    I wonder why TRUMP didnt just load up on hydroxychloroquine or ask the docs to put some bleach in his IV

  22. Fauci already bashing it:

  23. Fauci is a shill for vaccine pharma industry people... they want to get the munnie... not the antibody people...

  24. "You have really gone down the rabbit hole of mindless Trump support "

    no I havent... i understand what he is doing... he may be working everybody else but he aint working me I can guarantee that for sure...

  25. How do you get “Bashing” out of any of that article? Yep, you’ve been worked alright.

    There was ABSOLUTELY zero bashing. All fact based;

    One case is not proof
    May be effective but need more testing in controlled trials

    He even called it promising

    Gotta go defend your boy from anyone who suggests he might not know what he is talking about, even when he clearly talks all the time about shit he knows nothing about

    I think you might protest too much

  26. Fauci and FDA will slow roll it so vaccine can perhaps catch up...

    This whole thing is being managed by politicians who are competing for all the munnie...

  27. Trump as decision maker has to try to wade thru all the BS...

  28. There is a lot of “anti vaxer” bias out there... if there is acceptable antibody treatment then maybe people would be less inclined to get a vaccine.. and Fauci no like....

    They would perhaps skip the vaccine and just (if they got it and not everybody does) then get the antibodies... “ if it ain’t broke then don’t fix it”...

    So there is politics and cognitive biases involved... and national health policy to formulate... and $bazillions of munnie...

    Trump trying to coordinate/manage all of this... not easy...

  29. And btw senile Biden saying “listen to the science!” is an idiot somebody in authority still has to make the call ...

    You have some scientists saying “antibodies!” and some saying “vaccine!” ... listen to who?????? Or do you use a hybrid approach?

    It’s complicated...

  30. Development and approval of vaccines is too slow to address the issue in the way some people want it to be addressed. Something will have to give. Cut corners, suspend ethics, or find an alternative treatment. The last option is preferable.

    Didn't Trump claim it was all a Dem hoax?

  31. The "hoax" is that Trump didnt respond with any or adeqquate policy adjustments...

    The virus is real...

    there are techniques you can use to advance schedules technical people use them all the time.. ... Fauci doesnt appear aware of them or doesnt get it at all...

    we need new people in there running it...

  32. Giving antibodies (indirectly) IS what a vaccine does. There is absolutely no evidence that this drug can replace a vaccine. It might be a treatment but not a replacement for a vaccine, unless you take it monthly or at some regular interval which would be prohibitively expensive.

    It’s no hoax about Trumps response
    Trumps response was bullshit. He didn’t stop people who had been in China from getting to the US . They just couldn’t come directly from Wuhan. How many infected Chinese in Wuhan were wanting to go to the US? Close to zero I’ll bet. But Americans and others who left Wuhan and went elsewhere had full access to US and they couldnt even be tested before re entering. Here’s an idea.... why not just make every flight from China quarantine for two weeks in one of Trumps hotels and charge them 1500 a night!! Gawd is Trump stoooopid. He could have made a killing. Like everything else Trump does his ban was performative.

    But more important was his response here which was totally inadequate. He was more worried about 401ks than lives.... period. That’s not even debatable. He’s even admitted it. He thinks it was the right call. He just thinks markets are more important than the little people he bosses around. And most of his followers, you included, agree. Gotta keep those zeros in place on that Dow! Little people who I boss around? Can always find more of those. Reopen borders if I have to and tell those caravans how much I love them

    How do you think those anti Vaxxer folks are gonna like it when the drug Trump is asking them to take is known to be made from aborted fetuses?

    Just admit it Matt, you’re a xenophobic racist prick. Own it....... be a Proud Boi.

  33. It’s not made from fetuses it’s made from cloned mice...

  34. It’s like 9-11.. imagine telling everyone before 9-11 that they had to strip search and take their shoes off to get in airplane....

    No way Jose... you gotta take the hit... take the W and learn from it... get even if you can later...

  35. We could probably nuke 6 dams over there and drown half the country..

  36. “ There is absolutely no evidence that this drug can replace a vaccine.”

    Yo they are two different things... try discrimination for a change...

  37. Why dont we have a vaccine against colds?

  38. We’ve only lost 200k and 40% were put in Democrat nursing homes which DOJ is looking at btw... govs in NY, NJ, PA, CA , CT and WA need to be put up against a wall...

  39. “Fauci doesnt appear aware of them or doesnt get it at all...“

    Your science trained brained get that from twitter and Fox News. That’s you doing “ real science”

  40. Matt

    You are the one who said ...

    “They would perhaps skip the vaccine and just (if they got it and not everybody does) then get the antibodies... “ if it ain’t broke then don’t fix it”
    ....,,,, as if this drug could substitute for a vaccine..... not me. How about you try reading your own posts.

    “Getting the antibodies” in the form of the monoclonal drug is temporary and only a possible treatment.

    And your wrong about the source of the cell lines. Its hybrid, part animal (mice) part human (fetal). Most of these monoclonal drugs have to use human cell lines for part of their development. It’s just the way it needs to me. Fetal cells are much more amenable to replication. It’s awesome we can do this.

    So you really think China developed this virus, released it on its own population and then delayed its response so rest of world would be infected? An accident they tried to hide til they couldn’t?
    You do know that pretty much every developed country has labs where they develop viruses and other pathogens, USA included? There is a great deal of sharing of knowledge and scientists from USA help in foreign labs and vice versa. I’m sure some activities are secret and bioweapon in nature ( in USA too ) but much is not

    Those are pretty serious charges that we should not trust Barr and company to investigate. Barr has shown his #1 goal in every action is exonerate Trump

    Democrat nursing homes? Look at who owns nursing homes...... most likely big GOP donor...
    Down that partisan rabbit hole again.

  41. Hey look here they go again:

    “President Trump says he will donate his own plasma,”

    They just put in cloned antibodies from Regeneron why would they take trumps blood ? Trump just has the Regeneron antibodies THEY JUST PUT IN....

    Why do they think they have to take Trumps blood just give the other person the Regeneron...



  42. “,, as if this drug could substitute for a vaccine.“

    Yo They are two different things... therapeutics and immunizations....

    (Hey I’m not the one who is discrimination challenged here that is YOU guys who are trained to always want to synthesize things)

    I understand they are not equivalent... I am more than adequately trained in understanding inequalities....

    We probably need to produce both...
