

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The limits of Chinese power — Pepe Escobar

Very few Chinese analysts are better positioned to survey the geopolitical and geoeconomic chessboard than Lanxin Xiang: expert on relations between China, US and Europe, professor of History and International Relations at the IHEID in Geneva and director of the Center for One Belt, One Road Studies in Shanghai.

Xiang got his PhD at SAIS at Johns Hopkins, and is as well respected in the US as in China. During a recent webinar he laid out the lineaments of an analysis the West ignores at its own peril.
The Vineyard of the Saker
The limits of Chinese power
Pepe Escobar

1 comment:

  1. With Biden, the rhetoric gets turned down and a 'traditional' move to cold war gets the green light.
