

Monday, October 12, 2020

Trump Promised A Break With GOP Trickle-Down Economics. He Delivered More Of The Same. The president is paying a political price for pursuing conventional Republican economic policies. — Daniel Marans

Trump can thank his inability or unwillingness to challenge traditional Republican ideology for his consistent polling deficit against Democratic nominee Joe Biden during this year’s election cycle, according to Saagar Enjeti, co-author of “The Populist’s Guide to 2020: A New Right and New Left Are Rising.”

Enjeti ― who, like Krein, identifies as a right-wing populist ― believes that pro-corporate, trickle-down economics has been an especially tough sell amid the destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the economic recession that has come with it.

“Trump became a real Republican at the very worst time ― a time when Republican orthodoxy could not be less wanted by the American people,” Enjeti said. “That is why you see such devastation in terms of his public support ― even among people who supported him last time.”...
"Are you better off than four years ago," is the relevant question politically, and if not, who gets the blame? 


  1. Trump's last stand rest upon the shoulders of the Matt Franko Dead End T 'ers.


  3. If that is the case, Matt, the president will likely win. I would tend to trust economic polling more than political polling, which has not proved too accurate.

    But it also depends on how the figures break down district by district, since that is how elections go. Also that poll is several weeks old.

    Here is the up-to-date on the election from Gallup.

  4. “ the destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic”

    Here is another guy who doesn’t understand the economic damage has not been caused by the pandemic but rather has been caused by the policy response to the pandemic...

  5. More Darwin at work here... blind to the policy... like we are not a factor in what happens...

  6. pandemic - dem = panic

    Gotta put the dem back in the Whore House... only policy TDS sufferers care about.
