

Monday, February 28, 2022

Links — 28 Feb 2022 Part 2

India Punchline
Ukraine makes strange bedfellows
M. K. Bhadrakumar | retired diplomat with the Indian Foreign Service

The Vineyard of the Saker
Open letter to TV watching western armchair generals
The Saker

RT — Question More (Russian state-sponsored media)
Bulgarian defense minister fired over Ukraine comments

No plans to occupy Ukraine, Russia tells UN

Zero Hedge
"They Actually Want Russia To Invade" - Beijing Slams Biden For Allegedly Provoking Putin
Tyler Durden

People's Dispatch
Political economy of the conflict in Ukraine
C Saratchand

The Hill (got that? Nothing to see here, keep on moving.)
Biden: Public shouldn't worry about nuclear war with Russia

Middle East Eye ("Putler")
Jonathan Cook: Russia-Ukraine war: A different invasion, the West’s same ‘madman’ script

TASS (Russian state media)
EU structures involved in arms supplies to Ukraine to be responsible for consequences

The world’s biggest cargo planes are reliant on spare parts from Ukraine
Nicolás Rivero

Dissident Voice
RAND Corporation Urged Creation of the Horrors You’re Seeing in Ukraine
David Swanson

Vox (meanwhile)
The world is already hitting its limits of adapting to climate change
Umair Irfan


  1. Full disclosure:

    Yes, i know the context of this war (Mearsheimer, Cohen, Chomsky, et al). Still, reckless and scary (in the nuclear war sense) this Russian invasion. They have Crimea, they control the separatists regions -- what more do they want? What, they are afraid of American missiles having a head start on them? Dudes, when Trump said "hydrosonic weapons, it was just Trump being his usual idiotic self. lol

    I don't have an armchair. I do have a big dining room table that always before and after dinner contains all my math books. I am not into shelves. I like to see my books spread out in front of me :)

    I see everything thru the prism of Greek/Turkish relations. I have to.

  2. I sincerely hope the Russians don't go all Roman Empire on Ukraine and destroy their fertile soil.

  3. They want a neutral Ukraine. They want NATO to be disbanded. This would increase the odds of peace. Washington wants conflict.

    If you have followed events since 2014, there is no other conclusion that the regime in Kiev needs to be removed, or forced into negotiations.

    We're all in deep do-do if Ukraine turns into Afghanistan.

  4. I know all that.

    And why do you say "regime"? Election not legit? And was it more or less legit than Russian/American elections?

    The Russian ambassador to Greece told the Greek foreign minister today that the ethnic Greeks in the Ukrainian town of Mariupolis were killed by Ukranian, not Russian bombs. What bullshit.

  5. There was a coup in 2014 and nationalists have held power ever since. What use is Zelenskyy when he couldn't negotiate Ukraine's neutrality?

  6. Or what use is Putin when he couldn't negotiate with the Ukrainians.

    Or what use is Trudeau when he couldn't negotiate with the inbred/hillbilly (yes, we have them here too) blockade organizers.


    yeah, I see your logic :)

  7. Watching videos of Putin over the years complaining about the NATO threat he clearly sees it as an existential threat.
    If you look at the RAND Report from 2019 "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia" linked to in the David Swanson article in Dissident Voice you get a feel for why Putin thinks that there is an existential threat against Russia!

    "Geopolitical Cost-Imposing Measures (p4)
    Providing lethal aid to Ukraine would exploit Russia’s greatest point of external vulnerability. But any increase in U.S. military arms and advice to Ukraine would need to be carefully calibrated to increase the costs to Russia of sustaining its existing commitment without provoking a much wider conflict in which Russia, by reason of proximity, would have significant advantages."

  8. Moscow set out a security agreement that included Ukraine's neutrality, but of course Washington rejected it. So here we are...
