

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The world’s infrastructure was built for a climate no longer existing Bill Haskell

Excerpt from Foreign Policy.
Countries have spent decades building critical infrastructure that is now buckling under extreme heat, wildfires, and floods, laying bare just how unprepared the world’s energy and transportation systems are to withstand the volatility of climate change.

These vulnerabilities have been on full display in recent weeks as record-breaking temperatures broil the world, straining power grids, threatening water supplies, and warping roads.

Mother Nature is a bitch. Who thought? (What happens when you piss off Ma.)


  1. Sask. engineer slapped with an 18-month suspension after designing bridge that collapsed hours after opening

    That man is a menace.

  2. Didn’t have anything to do with global warming… guy was unqualified…

  3. He didn't claim global warming as a defense for that bridge...

    Do you think a 5 year ban is enough?

    His engineering qualifications should be limited to finger painting.

  4. "Climate change" might have convinced more people if it was not 100% politicized, and was not always accompanied by woke liberal depravity.

    For instance, whenever the corporate media outlets start yammering about "climate change," they almost always include garbage about "racism" and "the evil patriarchy" and "LGBTQ(P) rights" and "all conservatives are Nazis," and blah-blah-blah.

    Because of this endless baggage, if you mention "climate change" to a straight white male, what he hears is, "You're evil because you're white!"

    Therefore many people don't want to talk about "climate change."

  5. Talking about climate change while continuing to burn fossil fuels is pointless. Setting 'net zero' targets that have no hope of being met is also pointless.

    May as well talk about Jesus solving all our predicaments.

  6. Konrad's right. The environmental movement gives lesson after lesson on how not to win people over to your side. From the moralizing and unnecessary baggage to the doomsdayism all the way to throwing soup on a painting (seriously wtf? Some of these people have more than just a screws loose). None of it is really effective at persuasion.

  7. @Joe:
    “Climate change” cultists say that carbon dioxide is a pollutant, even though plants can’t survive without it. The more carbon dioxide that plants get, the more oxygen they make.

    “Climate change” cultists say we must work toward a “zero carbon footprint,” meaning that all life forms on the earth must be destroyed, since all life forms contain carbon. Indeed, carbon is the second most abundant element in the human body after oxygen. Carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe, and the fifteenth most abundant element on Earth. Carbon can be found dissolved in all water bodies on the planet.

    All must be annihilated if we are to reach “zero carbon.”

    People who suffer from Climate Change Psychosis are the same people that rushed to get the mRNA jabs from Big Pharma. They would have guzzled the Kool-aid at Jonestown.

  8. “ May as well talk about Jesus solving all our predicaments.”

    It’s similar thing…

    I’ve been researching this “doomsday” psychopathy… you see this “debt doomsday” “climate doomsday” “armageddon doomsday” etc…

    All these doomsdays…

    It’s called Catastrophism…

    “ Eddie Yuen describes the failure of catastrophism for the environmental movement. Lilley offers a history of the dangers of catastrophism in leftist politics, while James Davis chronicles the history of right wing fear-mongering and apocalypticism. The concluding essay by David McNally connects the cultural phenomenon of zombies with the catastrophes of everyday life in capitalism.”

    Some evidence it is caused by alienation….

    iow the individual is subject to some form of alienation first then the human reaction to that is catastrophism…

    Would portend the way to avoid it is to remain socially connected to society as much as possible… ie avoid alienation…

  9. Pete it’s those helical piers… I’ve often seen problems with them…

    I think they are a cheap alternative to pile driving…

    Thing is to me what if they crack? How can the torsion force be transferred then to the length of the pier? I don’t see how…

    In us most pilings are driven … eastern seaboard bridges always driven reinforced concrete piles… survive hurricanes etc…

    Expensive … so the Art degree morons with their “out of money!” thing are in view here too as usual…

  10. Would portend the way to avoid it is to remain socially connected to society as much as possible… ie avoid alienation…

    Just live your life, and if catastrophe is in the cards, it will show up on your doorstep.
    - former resident of Lahaina, Maui.

  11. In us most pilings are driven … eastern seaboard bridges always driven reinforced concrete piles… survive hurricanes etc…

    This was an ordinary bridge on a back road in Saskatchewan. Would pilings be necessary?

    There's an old railroad bridge that spans the Annapolis River - doesn't appear to have any pilings. Just two large concrete foundations on either side of the river. Or would the pilings be hidden underneath the concrete?

  12. The picture showed a sopprt structures in the water that seemed to have sunk…

    Clear spans require larger horizontal members or trusses.., more expensive…

    Dude probably said he had a less expensive alternative using helical piers center span and the Art degree people went for his pitch..,

    Looks like the piers sunk and eventually the horizontal structure failed…d

    It’s always the Art degree morons getting involved that screws it up…

  13. See “bridge-gate” in New Jersey…. Art degree female in charge iirc ended up going to jail….

  14. “ Just live your life, and if catastrophe is in the cards, it will show up on your doorstep.
    - former resident of Lahaina, Maui.”

    Initial reports of inadequate electrical distribution system maintenance… ie “out of money!” as usual…

  15. Being a Fatalistic Transhumanist, I suspect our present iteration of humans is heading for extinction and will be replaced by Genetically Engineered/ Cybernetically Augmented variations who can live in space and some who can survive on an Extreme Climate ravaged earth.

  16. Initial reports of inadequate electrical distribution system maintenance… ie “out of money!” as usual…

    Or "Lets skimp on maintenance to boost quarterly earnings..."

  17. Class action lawsuit on the way...

  18. See “bridge-gate” in New Jersey…. Art degree female in charge iirc ended up going to jail….

    Is that the Fort Lee Lane Closure Scandal?

  19. “Climate change” hysteria is a classic example of science being corrupted by money and politics. If you join the alarmist mob, you get jobs, money, power, and speaking engagements. Your books and papers get published. You are treated as a celebrity. You are worshipped as a rock star. You are wined and dined by woke politicians. You are part of the mindless mob of “settled science.”

    But if you ask questions, or if you think like an actual scientist, you are purged, canceled, and censored. You are condemned as a “science denier.” (This is almost as bad as being an “election denier” or a “vaccine denier.”)

    The CIC (Climate Industrial Complex) punishes inquiry, and rewards conformity.

    If all you’re looking for is climate catastrophe, then all you can see is climate catastrophe. If you say that we must censor, control, and enslave the masses because of "climate change," you get funding and power.

    “Climate change” hysteria is not science. It is ideology. It is politics. Young people gobble up this excrement and vomit it on everyone around them, e.g. Greta Thunberg and the "Just Stop Oil" vandals.

    Even woke liberals admit that fraud saturates science today, but they don’t care. “Climate change” hysteria is all about having power over others.

  20. Probably spending the maintenance munnie on unqualified DEI hires and climate nutter studies…

  21. "The effects of climate change are real."

    No one has ever denied that climates have always changed, and always will.

    For example the earth has had at least five major ice ages during the last 2 billion years. That is science.

    What's not science is the demand by woke liberals that everyone submit to their self-serving hysteria about climate change.

    This is not science; it is woke ideology, just like the idiotic claim that men can give birth, or the idiotic claim that all carbon must be removed from the earth.

    Big corporations exploit this idiocy to their advantage, using young climate change morons as their puppets. For instance, agricultural mega-corporations pay Dutch politicians to order that all medium and small sized farms in the Netherlands must be shut down, so that Big Ag will have no competition.

    Young climate change cultists are mindless servants of Big Ag.

  22. The effects of climate change within a time frame relevant to human civilization is real.

    And there is nothing that can be done about it.

  23. Konrad they listen to an uneducated 13 yo girl who doesn’t even know the atomic number of Hydrogen…
