

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Durable goods orders suggest economy is stabilizing

These charts say it all. The worst is past, at least for now.

Other indicators like stocks, certain commodity prices, suggest same.


  1. Mike,
    Can you weigh in on oil recently?
    Inventories are at 16 year highs, Japan is importing 14% less yoy, our diesel use is down 9.8%, jet fuel 6.5% yoy, and I suspect gasoline is down about the same yet we make relative highs?
    S. Schork is blogging that the market is not making sense .
    Is vitol et al up to their old tricks using Fed supplied swap line USDs?
    Resp, Matt

  2. they are trying to make the Pickens plan not work, but with steel prices for moment down, low interest rates, natural gas prices down a bit ....

    it is actually the perfect time to switch to the Pickens plan to retrofit entire fleets of diesel trucks to natural gas ( 30% of gas use is from big rig trucks in USA ) and then push wind mills big time for the big switch to Pickens paradigm

    and do it all with low interest rates if the banks can finally get the loans down
