

Friday, April 30, 2010

Fed reopening unsecured Forex swap lines with the ECB

Here we go again!!! The Fed is lending unsecured to the ECB to keep libor rates from skyrocketing over there. Where is the outrage??? Where are all the "taxpayer on the hook" morons who scream bloody murder in this country???

There goes my euro short!

We are bailing out Europe and there is not a peep said about it here in the U.S. Our citizens suffer, but any amount of money for Europeans is okay. They have their own central bank, so why are we doing it???


  1. Mike,
    I knew it!!!!I knew they would get involved with this! A Euro system meltdown is looked upon by the Fed as too destabilizing for the US system.

    They are doing it again!!!!

    You are 100% correct, there goes any short!! The last time they did this they stopped the $ rally cold.

    Im out.

    Resp, Matt

  2. Hey Mike .... I think they (Schiff, Paul, etc....) new you were short.
    Just kidding.

  3. Why is this any different that bailing out all the US banks, GM, insurance, housing, commercial RE, unemployed.........we are just one big happy connected capitalist societies. If we save them, we save us. Probably we will see a huge return on our investment just like Citi and ..........

  4. Brantley,

    Even if they knew I was short, they wouldn't have the brains to devise a short squeeze like this.
