

Monday, July 19, 2010

Economic Crisis Forces Local Governments to Let Asphalt Roads Return to Gravel

"Paved roads, historical emblems of American achievement, are being torn up across rural America and replaced with gravel or other rough surfaces as counties struggle with tight budgets and dwindling state and federal revenue."

Poverty is spreading along with a lower standard of living all because of a destructive and misinformed belief system. This is the real legacy that will be passed along to our children and grandchildren. More spending could have created new roads, bridges, education, transportation systems, employment, income, etc. Instead we impoverish ourselves for no good reason because we are in the grips of a poisonous dogma.

Read full article here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Federal Highway Administration:


    Of the 12,700 projects obligated, more than 8,000 projects are under construction and more than 3,000 projects have been completed.
    ---as of July 12, 2010

    No, America is not falling apart. Media sources are just playing up the scare factor. Besides, everyone owns or should own a SUV to navigate the roads (with the added benefit of blowing more on gas).

    I recommend everyone take a trip to Chillicothe, TX

  3. Brantley,
    They obviously need to be investing much more (100s of billions) in public infrastructure. But the moronic deficit phobes (like 'Stop Spending' Santelli) try to prevent this.

    I will submit that EVERY Interstate I drive on (northeast US) needs at least one more lane in each direction.

  4. I would like to point out that bridges are not as safe as they should be.

    With all the SUVs that Brantley is advocating, it should be noted that many bridges in the cities and highways connecting cities have guard rails that are designed for low center of gravity vehicles.

    Therefore, many SUVs can fly over the guard rails and into the ditches & bayous in Texas with great precariousness.

    It would nice that they update the guard rails to fit the modern vehicles and not the old impalas from the 60's which were low, flat, and wide.
