

Friday, March 18, 2011

Warren Mosler: Genius economist and genius supercar builder!

Many people may not know this, but our friend and fellow MMT genius economist, Warren Mosler is also a genius supercar builder. His Mosler MT900S recently won top honors as fastest car in the annual Road & Track "Lightning Lap" cumulative results. Mosler's car beat Lamborghini, Porsche, Ferrari, Corvette, Viper, to name a few. Click on the image below to see the results.

Way to go, Warren!

Here's a shot of the car.


  1. That's how MMT will perform if only had access to compete with the rest of pseudo economics theories. They are going to breath its dust.

  2. I was driving from Chicago to Houston a couple weeks ago and stopped at a gas station in Springfield where I heard this blood curdling rumble and turned around and there was an exotic Mosler pulling in. Never had seen one in person before; Neither had the others apparently who were creening their necks to see something more rare and faster than the common ferarri or lamborghini. One impressive machine.

  3. I like its weight. To me a sportscar should not be near 3000 pounds much less over it as many are.

  4. Just to let everyone know...a documentary is being put together about Warren by Tim Hilliker. He is in the process of setting up a fund raising website at When it is done I will let everyone know. Our community MUST get this done. Warren is an amazing person and he's too modest to promote himself. We have to do this. When the site is up I will give the link and I want everyone to contribute so that this documentary gets done!!!!

  5. Warren's as cool as they come and so is his car. I'll be happy to contribute when the documentary's done.

  6. Mike,

    I've seen

    They take a few points but that site appears to be operational.
