

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Minsky Conference Audios

April 13–15, 2011

The 20th Annual Minsky Conference will address the ongoing effects of the global financial crisis on the real economy, and examine proposed and recently enacted policy responses. Should ending too-big-to-fail be the cornerstone of reform? Do the markets’ pursuit of self-interest generate real societal benefits? Is financial sector growth actually good for the real economy? Will the recently passed US financial reform bill make the entire financial system, not only the banks, safer?


  1. Thnks, for the link Tom,

    MMT thought leaders were great as usual...

    McCulley's talk was a bit of a disappointment for me...

    Steve Randy Waldeman was pretty hard hitting wrt how he painted the banks as being a SPV of the government, etc... I liked that analogy...

    Mike Masters hit the out of control commodity speculation pretty good too...

    Sounded like a good day overall...

    Now today I think Marshall A and Rob P are on the agenda so I look forward to picking them up tonight..

  2. I listened to Gary Gensler's presentation and Q&A session and found it a bit of a dissapointment to put it mildly. He totally sidestepped Randy Wray's question about long only index funds and whether or not they should be allowed to ostensibly hedge equity exposure by buying corn, gasoline, crude, etc.

  3. I'm registered for the conference and hopefully I'll get some time to go over there today. Too bad Warren was not presenting, like he did last year.

  4. Gary B Gorton's presentation is excellent.
