

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Rand Paul: Banana Republican

U.S. Senator and Rothbardian Rand Paul wants a balanced budget amendment badly. So much so that he is threatening a filibuster in the Senate in order to gain more attention for this ridiculous idea.

An excerpt: "[W]e will actually vote in favor of raising the debt ceiling next week if we can, but it will be contingent on passing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution," he said, adding, "I'm not completely without the sense that we may need to raise the debt ceiling. But I will only do it if we have significant budgetary reform, and to me that means you have to balance your budget every year."


  1. Try getting a MMT economist appointed to a cabinet level position or to the fed with senators like this running the confirmation.

  2. There all Banana Republicans, Mike, no matter what the party.
