

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Yves Smith on the Real News talks about the debt ceiling and Obama's push for cuts in the safety net

Great interview with Yves Smith, founder of the Naked Capitalism blog. She talks about the debt ceiling crisis and Obama's unabashed push for cuts in the Social Security and the rest of the social safety net.

Unfortunately you have to go through about a minute of Peter Schiff's idiocy before you get to Yves Smith's interview. It starts around 1:09. Do yourself a favor and skip to that point.


  1. footnote: the original title of the video is "yves smith refutes peter schiff's senseless debt ceiling & austerity proposals" in case anybody is wondering why there is that 1 min of idiocy there at the beginning.
    well, that was exactly the purpose - to highlight the idiocy around the debt ceiling crisis and austerity proposals - and the prevailing ignorance underpinning the idiocy which is being spread around by fear mongers like schiff.

    thankfully, we still have rational thinkers like yves smith out there, who are providing accurate information and reasonable options to the general public.

  2. Here is the original video:

  3. blast from the past:

  4. Thanks, Anon. You're good for something after all. ;)

  5. She botched the explanation of the idea to eliminate Fed held debt somewhat (the idea is not about defaulting on interest payments to the Fed).

    Has the platinum coin idea hit mainstream media at all?

  6. Things in America do not look good. Democracy in America is slowly being eroded. Assuming America was democratic in the first place.

  7. I'm fairly certain the Platinum Coin idea has not hit mainstream.

    Its ridiculous that a simple solution is not being discussed.
