

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rachel Maddow on Political Dissent

Rachel Maddow did a two part lead story on her show last evening that is well worth watching and adding to the historical file.

History of Occupy movements

This segment has some excellent footage of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement and Mario Savio, which launched what would morph into the anti-war movement in the Vietnam era.

NYPD riot police clear Zuccotti Park

You be the judge. Is this crowd control, or repression and intimidation?

 I regard the Occupy and 99% movement as a world historical event that will shape globalism in one direction or another — toward greater political liberalization and economic reform, or toward an authoritarian neoliberal global regime ruled by finance capital.


  1. Well, good stuff

    but this Rachel Maddow revolution was brought to you by ExxonMobil and their quest for Tar Sands and polluting the earth with pipelines made of substandard steel made in foreign countries who also do business with Iran.

  2. rachel maddow segment on tea party & GOP campaign fraud + our friend:
