

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

So this is how we win the future?

California may have to cut the school year because of money problems.

So this is how we "win the future?"

Obama's caving in to Deficit Terrorists means that states cannot get any fiscal help from the Federal Government. So now our kids won't be getting a proper education. Eduction is the single most important factor in determining standard of living and competitiveness.

California is so broke it will shorten the school year.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I spent the better part of 2 days on in the comments section of an article that asked the question "Are we the next Italy."
    I tried to explain why we're nothing like Italy and man-o-man you'd have better luck convincing people the world was flat again.

  3. Mario,

    Tell your friend that we HAVE central planning. We've had it for a long time. Not by government, but by corporations and the wealthy elite. They plan what we consume, how the nation invests in its future, who gets money and who doesn't. It's all central planning. It's always been centrally planned. It's just a question of who's doing the planning. Years ago when the government planned, we had less income inequality and things like the G.I. bill, the interstate highway system, science research and more. But when the planning responsibility was turned over to the "free market" (yeah, ain't that a joke!) we got privatized and crumbling infrastructure, Viagra, Jersey Shore and the NBA and $4 gasoline thanks to high risk financial gambling. Much better, right?

  4. Here in NH, the state budget is a mess, the legislature is in the hands of, well, crackpots, and the Dem Governor is pushing a Constitutional Amendment that will absolve the state from funding public education. In communities that can afford it (no sales or income tax in NH, we fund almost everything through local property taxes) education will be good. In less affluent towns, not so much.

    Schools here are already down to bare minimums. Art & music programs are the first to go, followed by reduced sports programs. We're truly turning back the clock here.

    I think what's most frightening for me is how these concepts are being embedded in our culture. The president has been such a disappointment that I don't think I can vote for him in 2012. Maybe things need to get much worse before they can get better.

  5. I think what's most frightening for me is how these concepts are being embedded in our culture.

    agreed and not only that but the people I talk to ARGUE FOR their points and fight and resist the way out. It's just astonishing to me.

    The president has been such a disappointment that I don't think I can vote for him in 2012. Maybe things need to get much worse before they can get better.

    I agree and now with how it appears Homeland Security was in on the OWS crackdown...well that means the Pres was in on it too...and with that well I can't vote for him with that. I can't vote for Romney either though....they're all bad! What's a man to do? As I've said before I'm really considering just not voting at all. If Romney and Obama are in....I see no difference between the two need to vote. If any of the other candidates are up against Obama then I'll step in and vote for Obama. What a world indeed...well back to the drawing board I guess as they say...

  6. agreed Mike.

    I also told him that this centrally planned government is made up of elected officials who vote on the budget, etc. Now if there's a problem with who is in office and the corruption with that process well that's a different issue altogether. But to think that our government is centrally planned as if this were Soviet Russia is just ludicrous...unless you want to consider the way our corps. plan it all out as you say. I'll pass the info along.

  7. I live in LA Mike and I was in education for many years in various capacities throughout all of CA. It's bad out here man. Real bad.

    This country is doomed, literally doomed, until we realize how deficits and federal spending works and how we can truly marshal our resources however we wish. Except as my own friend just posted on my FB account, "increased freedom, liberty & openness does not come via central economic planning"

    ugh. yeah so it's not only how federal deficits work, but also how federal deficits DO NOT equate to "central planning."

    The first person to crack those two nuts opens the floodgates to freedom and prosperity. This is our if we so choose to accept it. LOL

  8. Well I would have cut school year years ago and increase salaries for teachers

    There is no corelation between more days and more intelligence

    However, this has nothing to do with Mike's point.

    parents will have to fork up more dough for day care if they have a job, or a parent will have to stay home and not make any job ...

  9. Agreed googleheim about schooling. I read a history of American education, the biggest contributors in its infancy were people like Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford. Its not a stretch to think the purpose of their schooling was to create a mass audience, in order to sell mass products. Nice work they did.

  10. google and cyber

    you are both spot on. And if you want more info on how the big tycoons, behavioral psychologists from germany (of course), and Columbia University all got together to create this "education" system here it is:

    It's called "The Leipzeig Connection" by Paolo Lionni. It's short and reads easy. I think there is even a free copy online somewhere if I'm not mistaken

    it's very much well worth the read.

    you can blame the mentioned people above for why you know nothing about Latin, Greek, the Classics, etc.

    If you look at educational standards across the country you will see that English Literature for example essentially flat-lines by the 8th grade. We could easily be teaching our elementary school kids what they learn in middle school, and we can easily teach our high school kids what they learn in college.

  11. here's a quote to whet your whistle...the book is really, really good.

    This idea (that Man is a stimulus-response animal) and the methods it implies, has played a critical role in transforming The America Dream into a national nightmare. It has turned our homes, schools, offices, stores, and factories into the battlegrounds of World War III; the draftees drift from encounter to encounter, increasing numbers succumbing as neurotic mental and spiritual casualties. The greatest number of victims, however, is in the 5-16 year-old range, as roughly one-quarter of the population is recruited into the compulsory federal behavior clinics cosmetically known as schools.

    Those willing to decide on the basis of their own experience and observations whether they (and their children) are animal or not, and who choose not to be, must begin now to openly repudiate psychology's stranglehold on our children's future and awaken their neighbors from the nightmare. P. 89.
