

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Spraying bugs

Incredible but true.

More radicalizing the coming generation.

I must say though, the students of this generation are much more polite that we were. They are chanting "shame on you." We were chanting, "Off the pig."

BTW, did you notice the assault rifles?

This is right out of Star Wars or LOTR.

Huge mistake.

Gov. Brown, where are you?

Watch it to the end. The finale is pretty good.

At least one woman left by ambulance for treatment of chemical burns.
 Arrests Made During Occupy Protest At UC Davis

UPDATE: Going viral

The Pepper Shot Heard ’Round the Web

UPDATE: Evidence of more police brutality

Elizabeth Nichols, Occupy Portland Protester Pepper Sprayed In The Face, Identified
by  Dean Praetorius for The Huffington Post

Occupy Oakland: footage shows police beating 'peaceful' Iraq war veteran (VIDEO)
Adam Gabbatt for The Guardian
Oakland police investigating after ex-marine Kayvan Sabehgi suffered a ruptured spleen in apparently unprovoked incident
Governor Brown, President Obama, where are you? This is America, not Nazi Germany.


  1. Illustrates how fragile our politicians think the system is -- that a few kids questioning fairness by sitting on the grass quitely in the quad on their campus present such an enormous threat to life, property, and the public that they urgently need to send in riot police to defend the public.
    The OWS could call for something concrete like for Richard Shelby and Barney Frank to resign and be investigated for corruption. Taking a half dozen of the worst of these guys down and letting them rot with Bernie Madoff would send a strong message to the rest. Jack Abramoff has practically volunteered to help take some of these guys down. He has more than enough dirt to take out half of congress... but the attorney general is... no where to be found. D.H.S. might have to send out the national guard with tanks and fighter jets if people were audacious enough to demand something like this.

  2. @ TomatoBasil

    OWS and the 99% movement are correct in not making specific demands.

    The sole demand is regime change — government "of the people, for the people and by the people," rather than the 1%.

  3. Tom,

    See Lambert Strether's dissection of the event at Naked Capitalism, and the discussion thereafter.

  4. Quote: "Governor Brown, President Obama, where are you? This is America, not Nazi Germany."

    Obama is doing what he can to help the police. The American surfs will brought into line with the global austerity system at any cost. The under the regime the United States government only exist current for this purpose.


    I'm afraid what you don't see is that this Nazi America which will much harder to defeat than any amount of Germans.

    They have been planning for this for a long long time.

    Since Rex84 under Reagan. See

    It is time to face that fact that we lost WWII because it was a war of negation and you can never win wars of negation.

    Fascism is alive and well absent a more positive concept of liberty. The liberty of Liberalism will result in Fascism because it has no positive moral substance. Fascism is just the nihilistic stage of Liberalism. See Adam Curtis's "The Trap."

    I believe Occupy Wall Street will fail because you cannot win a war of negation you must fight for something and not against anything.

    OWS must clearly demand something of the system (Reformism) or demand the resignation of the current leaders of the system and take those powers of the system for themselves (Revolution). There is no in between because anarchy is impossible (physically).

    Only by exercising political power in a political system does change occur.

    One can only exercise political power by stating demands and making power concede to those demands or by seizing power directly and changing the system directly according to a plan organized by a list of necessary demands.

    There has never been nor will ever be a successful movement built on an absence a list of concrete proposals but instead on some on the concept of negation of an existing system to be replace by a fuzzy legalistic process of consent and hand waving.

    As long OWS keeps being inclusive of these anarchist professional wreckers they have zero chances. A pack of soccer holigans is less damaging to social progress than a single professional anarchist wrecker.

    We are in a war. In a war you establish objectives (demands), formulate a strategy(organize), and start a campaign using direction operation actions (direct action).

    It these are the facts of natural law. Root yourself in natural law or get bulldozed by it.

  5. I hear what you are saying Septeus7, but I don't think that only one road leads to success.

    "You have to fight with the army you have." — Donald Rumsfeld.

    This is true for OWS and the 99%. The first objectives are to radicalize enough people to mount a resistance and also to get the public on your side. The fight is over the hearts and minds of the people.

    The manuals are Sun Tzu's Art of War, and Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, on which it is based.

    The logo is the guy standing in front of the tank in Tienamen Square.

    I think that the demand is very clear — regime change. This is not a demand that one needs to articulate. It is obvious, and I suspect that this is the reason for the otherwise seeming overreaction on the part of the authorities. They know very well what is going on. They are trying to save their heads.

    The scenario is laid out in Ravi Batra's The New Golden Age: The Coming Revolution against Political Corruption and Economic Chaos (2007), and Strauss & Howe's The Fourth Turning (1997). See also Batra's first book, The Fourth Turning (1978).

    I would agree that the opposing forces are formidable, but so were they in all previous revolutions in history. Moreover, the ruling elite is out of touch and clueless, in power not on the basis of merit but of privilege. It's almost as if the protestors just let them destroy themselves. All they need is a bit of nudging. The ship is already sinking.
