

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Completely Ignores MMT Buzz

We have been chronicling all of the media outlets that have been showcasing MMT this week in  response to the Washington Post article at Ezra Klein's about MMT over the weekend, both pro and con.

Well here is one economics blog where the silence of their response has been deafening (cue the chirping cricket soundtrack),, the EconBlog of Diane Lim Rogers, Chief Economist at the Concord Coalition, a normally high profile Washington economic policy group which maintains a focus on the mainstream view of so-called "fiscal sustainability" issues and overall, advocates for long-term deficit reduction as a policy priority.

I'm sure Ms. Rogers is one of the best people in the world and looks like she could easily win the award for the best mom in the world, but if the fiscal policy advocates there at Concord truly have the best interests of the country in mind, and are truly concerned about the real economic legacy that we are going to leave to our children, they should be willing to engage at this point in an honest policy debate with MMT about the true nature of Federal "debt" and fiscal deficits.

UPDATE:  Here's this week's runner-up for the "Chirping Cricket Award".


  1. NPR's Planet Money has been crickets also.

  2. Adam,

    Public broadcasting has received a lot of funding from the Peterson people over the years, could be clouding their editorial judgement...

    I believe Concord here has been affiliated with some Peterson efforts over the years also...


  3. I gave up paying any attention to EconomistMom long ago. She's clueless.

  4. Ralph,

    yes me too, seems like she has to "toe the line" over there and stick to the policy they advocate without any deviation.

    No debate. broadcast mode only. Sad.

    And what is sadder is that she mentions her childrens future as a key motivator in her wanting to advocate for this suicidal policy. Her children imo face a very bleak future with policy that she apparently advocates for...

    And related to the WaPost thing this week she knows Ezra Klein there and I cant believe that she didnt read the article at Kleins about MMT...

    This is the bunker mentality over at Concord now...

