

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Santorum: "I don't care what the unemployment rate is going to be."

VERY revealing.  Story at Yahoo! here.
"I don't care what the unemployment rate is going to be. It doesn't matter to me (Ed: I believe him!).  My campaign doesn't hinge on unemployment rates and growth rates," Santorum said...
"We have one nominee who says he wants to run the economy. What kind of conservative says the president runs the economy? What kind of conservative says, ‘I'm the guy because of my economic experience that can create jobs?' I don't know. We conservatives generally think government doesn't create jobs," Santorum said.
I guess moron Santorium has been made blind to the fact that there are millions of people employed directly in the government civil service, the military, and in all sorts of government funded research and education institutions, health care, and on and on.  


  1. And don't forget Romney's line: "I don't care about the poor."

    These are just two examples of very frank comments from Republicans expressing what they've always been very candid about...they represent the rich and no one else. (Maybe fundamentalist Christians, too. Rich or poor.)

    At least they don't try to hide that.

    On the other hand what about Obama's, "change you can believe in?" Looked people right in the eye and told them that change was on the way, but he was lying through his teeth.

  2. Here's a link to Mike's point:

    Both of these morons are clueless about how govt macro policy effects employment, output and real wealth...

  3. Name anyone in Wadhington who DOES care about the unemployment rate.

  4. Not to mention he was a Senator. So what, he didn't have a job then?

  5. Anon,

    Theyre all gone... beyond redemption.

    Ive been thinking lately the best we can do is get the truth to those who still have a brain left and maybe they will see it and we all can get together and vote in a completely new govt...


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. In the Uk we had George "Gordon" Osbo-urne's comment about criticism of his granny tax "Why can't people just shut..." up he stopped himself letting his mask totally slip...mind you, his mask is usually a sneer of complete and utter contempt for and condescension to the plebs
