

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Yves Smith cosspost at AlterNet — NYT Mag's Adam Davidson Praises Economic Exploitation

In his latest 1% apologia, Davidson hails the capitalist lottery system for workers. Yves Smith explains the idiocy of this idea
Read it at AlterNet
NYT Mag's Adam Davidson Praises Economic Exploitation
by Yves Smith

Good to see AlterNet picking up on MMT and MMT allies like Yves lately. Word is getting out.


  1. After being a loyal NPR listener for years, I have really come to tire of them lately, and "Planet Money" with Davidson and others is a big part of it. The general NPR orientation these days seems all about defending the life-style and social power prerogatives of the haute bourgeosie. The economic analysis is very mainstream and very conservative.

    However, I do think my local New Hampshire Public Radio station is excellent, and offers very high quality news and analysis for a local outfit.
