

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Josh Barro — How to Fix the Social Security Solvency Crisis for Just $49.99

$49.99 is actually the expensive solution. It could be done just as well for ninety nine cents. Short, funny, and MMT-ish.

Read it at Forbes

How to Fix the Social Security Solvency Crisis for Just $49.99
by Josh Barro
(h/t The Armo Trader in the comments)


  1. Anyone who's ever played Monopoly knows that the money is issued by the game. And if you read the instructions that come with the game it says that if you run out of money, just write whatever denominations you need on a piece of paper. Problem solved with a pen and paper. Same with SS. Same with any spending need under a fiat system. No solvency issues. Ever.

  2. Maybe the solution is to make congressmen playing Monopoly mandatory.

    Lessons learned would be useful:
    - You never run out of money (always solvent).
    - You don't issue more money that it's necessary to play the game (avoid inflation).

  3. You really should play austerity monopoly! It is a whole lot of fun (in a sick sort of way)...

    Here's how it works - Instead of getting $200 for passing go (OMG, that would be money printing, we can't have that!), you pay a $200 tax every time you pass go.

    As it turns out, the player who buys (consumes) the fewest properties usually wins, because it takes slightly longer for that player to go bankrupt.

    A parable for our times.

  4. No, Mike your wrong there. We don't write down anything. These days we type the number into a computer and presto! there it is.

  5. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell today announced that next season, the NFL would instruct its scoreboard operators to honor every touchdown, extra, point, field goal and safety… with no limit.

    Immediately players and coaches revolted saying that such a policy would be sure to lead to a devaluation of points. Fans agree and fully expect a lack-luster season full of unmotivated players.

  6. NFL Commissioner Goodell replied that the motivation for unmotivated players was due solely to those who sat on the bench. Therefore, for a player to reach his maximum potential, bench warmers shouldn't be paid. Everyone cheered and full faith in the scoring system was restored.

    The End.
